Monday, May 20, 2013

May 20, 2013 - Catchin' Critters

Our first big party of the summer is coming in just one week. Have you thought about what you'll serve on Memorial Day and how to create a fun, food day with plenty of healthy options? I have close friends coming for a couple of days, so the food planning is well into the drafting stage. They are healthy eaters and that makes the planning easier, but I want to experiment with some new things. I will keep you posted as it gets closer. I am confident that I will do something on the grill and something with strawberries that are abundantly in season. Beyond that I am not certain. As many of you know, we have been trying for months to catch Mr. Armadillo so we can escort him to a new home in far, far-a-way land. I am sad to report our efforts have not accomplished the goal. However, we are also home to 9 million squirrels and chipmunks who join Mr. Armadillo daily in digging holes in our beautiful, new Cyprus mulch. Unfair! While we have been unsuccessful in luring Mr. Armadillo into the cage which will be used as his chariot to far, far-a-way land, several squirrels and chipmunks have decided they need a ride. Daily some new critter is being transported to another home with a fresh set of trees and ground begging to be overturned. I am amazed that the memo has not circulated to avoid the silver box with the peanut butter. But I can say that none of those receiving the ride to a new home have been harmed. We pray as we release them for amnesia to come upon their minds that they may never find our yard again. But Mr. Armadillo is quite the smart guy. I have been studying this for days now and gathering my thoughts concerning our health. Often we realize and can identify that certain "critters" are digging their way into our health plan - long days, stress, poor planning for our meals, tension in our relationships, boredom, etc. These guys will slowly erode the stability of our main components: healthy eating, rest, hydration, and peace. I know we have been a long time without going back to our foundational verse, but from Galatians 5:1 we remember Christ gave us freedom and we maintain by standing firm. As Terry and I are being diligent to remove these little guys who are causing us stress, I can see the yard beginning to respond. It doesn't take long, but it does take focused effort. I understand that life places critters in our yard, but God gives us the good sense to recognize their presence and never be content for them to destroy us. Let's examine our health journey today and identify the critters that need a new home. Your peace and health are crucial. What things in your life need to change to allow you to return again to your rest? Allow them the pleasure or moving to another home and gracing your body with the victory that God designed for you. Don't be afraid to confront the critters.

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