Monday, May 13, 2013

May 13, 2013 - Mr. Rickey

Good Monday morning to you, I went to see the movie 42 on Saturday about a baseball player and I really dreaded going. My husband wanted to go, but I had other plans. The movie I wanted to see didn't start until later and I knew he really desired to see 42. So, I smiled and went. I was so blessed! I cried several times during scenes in the movie and was touched to visually connect with the power of hope. I am a firm believer that none of us really understands the deep energy that hope gives us. I was thinking last night about how the Bible teaches that hope which is delayed can actually make a heart sick. Has your heart ever been sick because it appears that you consistently fail and no hope exists for you? Mine has. But then there was Mr. Rickey. Jackie Robinson was an amazing player with a bad temper. Mr. Rickey knew that the situation he was placing the young Jackie in would confront his anger at a deep level. But against all odds, Mr. Rickey believed this was a great fit for his organization. He was willing to take a chance and endure the backlash from the critics because he saw something in the young man. He stood with the young rookie when no one on the team would and Mr. Rickey never wavered. Not once! There is a scene in the movie where in utter desperation the bottled anger inside Jackie bursts and erupts like a capped volcano. My heart was gripped as I have been in that place - trapped with no hope. Down the hallway walked Mr Ricky and in his tender but firm voice, brought hope and turned this breaking point into a break forth point. That's the power of hope and encouragement! I left the movie asking God to allow me to be someone's Mr. Rickey. So, perhaps you need a voice today that says, "never quit, being healthy is a life-long commitment and you have all the variables within you to succeed." You can do it, just never stop trying and always remember you're never alone. Every moment of destruction that arose in the movie was met with Mr. Rickey's words of wisdom. Let God's words of wisdom remind you again that you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. Come on team, let's play ball to win. I plan to. :) PK

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