Monday, January 7, 2013

January 7, 2012 - The Price of Convenience

Good morning, We had a great time at our Healthy 4 You Life Group last night. Such good and healthy food! I know sometimes eating healthy seems impossible, but knowing HOW to cook and WHAT to cook can turn that mountain into a small hill. We laughed and commented that each month there are new ideas and foods to try - how can we get bored? If you haven't been able to attend, hop in next time. Bring a healthy dish to share, the recipe, and your notebook. We are building healthy cookbooks each month. And might I add - the food is not just ok, not just good, but actually "bite somebody" good! wink Also, we discussed the value of regular attendance. Priscilla reminded us that her greatest victory came when she joined the group and started coming monthly. There is something to be said for a community that understands and STANDS with you during the battle. Each month we talk through our recipes, but we also share tips, encouragement and most of all we pray. We PRAY! We speak healing into our bodies and we petition the Lord according to His word for wisdom (book of James). We totally understand that the world's way of processed foods loaded with words we cannot pronounce, sugar and starch may taste good and be convenient, but convenience has a price. I'm about to preach! I'm not talking about the price to your bank account - although eating out can be pricy - while other processed foods could be cheaper than whole foods - I'm taking about the price to our health. When we consider the air that we breathe, we often don't think about its weight. In fact many would say air has no weight because it is something we cannot see. But if you fill two balloons, attach them to the end of a balancing scale, pop one, then you will see that air has weight. Often the price of convenience is not something we see for years. I want to reassure you - there IS A PRICE. Priscilla said last night that eating healthy has caused her to have to cook. I understand - I cook now more than ever. But I'd rather cook now, as she does, than discover the price tag of convenience is more than I intended to pay at a later date. Yes, I would. :) Grab an apple, make some apple chips (thank you, Linda - as soon as I get a corer I will DO THIS), or cook in quantity while you're in the mood, and freeze some for when you're not. We got this! Have a great day, PK

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