Saturday, January 26, 2013

January 26, 2013 - The Changes We Face

Good morning, Most of you know how I love science-related things. I know God allowed me to teach science because I am a visual learner. He desired to convey messages to my small brain that allowed me to visually connect and find meaning. As we approach the change of a season, there are certain patterns and colors which enable us to evaluate and determine, in fact, that a new season has arrived. We depend on that don't we? And yet, even though change comes and goes like clock-work, there are variables that are solidly consistent that allow the changes to be celebrated. I am going somewhere with this. (wink) Once our health plan is concrete and established, that MUST become the constant to which change - for a season - doesn't cause us to revert to an unhealthy lifestyle. There are variables that must remain constant in order to offer our bodies the best opportunity to embrace health: water, rest, non-sugared/non-starchy foods, a balance of lean proteins, veggies, and fruits. Those must be constant - we KNOW that. But, there are "seasons" that come into our lives, some of which we did not provoke, nor can we order. The loss of a loved one, a change in our occupation which often changes our daily schedule, a sickness that lasts longer than we anticipate can all pull us from the daily "routine" of choosing health. Many people tell me that they were doing well with their health until an outside force knocked them down and they never recovered. I want us to embrace change - it is coming and will never stop - but the variables of our health must be what we always return to whether comfortable or not. There are four seasons that we experience every year as humans.......always. But God allows those changes to occur EVERY year so we are not shocked or unprepared. We can always rest assured they are coming. So are the obstacles which would desire to pull us from choosing health. Let's plan for them, watch for their signs, understand that change happens to us all and not use change as an excuse to be unhealthy. Come on family - I know some of you are struggling in bad marriages, bad reports from the doctors, etc. In times of difficulties, let's choose health MORE and offer our organs the BEST opportunity to not complicate the unfortunate changes. Change comes and goes, but God's Word is constant and His desire for us to be healthy is UNCHANGING. Let's CHOOSE health as our constant. Have a fabulous weekend. PK

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