Thursday, January 3, 2013

January 3, 2013 - Secrets

I hate to feel like everyone in the room knows something I don't - that people are deliberately keeping things from me and it's harmful somehow. I really prefer the truth. I may not understand nor like it, but I'd rather have the truth than a secret. I can always tell when something is in that pocket. There's a cloud or shadow around and I find myself saying, "what do I not know here?" That's wasted energy for me. My life is busy, as is yours, and trying to unravel the truth costs me time and often a lot of time. Where am I going with this? One of my health goals this year is my "Back to Basics" campaign. The more I read labels and check ingredients listed on the internet, the more I am convinced that the food industry has secrets! They need to increase shelf life with chemicals. But we really don't know what those chemicals do in our bodies long term, do we? (I can't pronounce half of them either) And, we really don't know what secrets those little guys carry. In contrast, real turnip greens cooked with water and seasonings or fresh herbs have no secrets. I cooked them, they are real foods, and I KNOW exactly what is in them. To me, that's the safest thing to do. I really feel that as the cost of food rises, the secrets in food will as well. It's all about the shelf life. Now, I realize some of the products I love are going to need to be replaced and some of my restaurant experiences watched more closely, but I just feel deep inside me that food production is being infused with fillers to off set the cost. And, those fillers "may not" be the best options for us. OK, Kathy, you're getting out there...........I know. But, just remember, God created food in it's natural form for our bodies to bring us health. Manufacturers are not as concerned with our health as they are with paying their employees. Am I there yet? NO! But I am on the road. I can't eliminate all processed foods, but I can start to evaluate the ones I consume most and start there. Just tossing this your way. Whole foods have no secrets. :) Have a beautiful Thursday! PK

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