Enjoy your morning coffee and "chat" with Kathy about all aspects of life especially as it relates to being healthy. Using God's Word to illuminate truth is the major focus of this morning blog. This blog only posts Monday-Friday.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
July 31, 2013 - God's E-vite
The rain is amazing. Have you ever watched a parched peace lilly respond to being watered after their leaves are dragging bottom. Within about 30 minutes of receiving hydration, their leaves begin to stand again and declare, "I am healthy." If you ever need a visual reminder of the power of hydration, try that one. IT WORKS and it will really convey a message that water is absolutely LIFE GIVING! Not today's subject though....
John 10:10 is one of my favorite verses in the Bible. I don't know about you, but its good to know someone's plan for your life - even if it's bad. I would MUCH rather know the ill intent of a person than be gullible and sucker-pinched all the time. How about you? As we examine the context of satan in this verse, it becomes clear that he isn't planning to simply steal everything from us, he methodically calculates how to steal from us so that we NEVER KNOW WE'VE BEEN VIOLATED. That is really the Greek rendering of the word. And when he steals from us in a manner we don't detect, his intent is total annihilation of our very life - every area! That adds a deeper spin doesn't it?
Can you see satan viewing you as healthy and stomping his feet, gnashing his teeth and snarling as HIS PLAN was for you and I to be trapped in a cell of obesity and despair and eventually give up on God. Satan plans for us to hear the same question he posed to Eve in Genesis, "did God really say?" He does it in such a way that we even begin to really question God - our Father, the Creator, the One who loves us more than all others. Crafty serpent - stealing from us the truth we clutch, in a manner designed to destroy! Yikes.
Today, let's look despair, defeat, poor health, and failure in the eyes and remember that is not what God designed for us. That is the design of the crafty, pickpocket who needs to gather a party for his eternal destination. He sent the E-vite and thinks we are naive enough not to see beyond the party decor. He really doesn't care if we attend - he DOES care that we want to attend God's eternal party and his daily plan includes the destruction of our responding YES to God's E-vite. Hope you see this.
After this study, I view the term "crafty" in the Genesis story in a different light. How about you? But I choose to NOT have my life stolen and I CHOOSE health. Let's be more keen to the craftiness of our enemy. Praise God for John 10:10 (b)........But Jesus came to give us LIFE. More on this tomorrow, PK
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
July 30, 2013 - The Cocoon
Butterflies have always been so intriguing to me. I love the way they journey through change and emerge so beautifully and yet weak. The fanning of their wings as they emerge from their cocoon actually allows them the power of life. They remain hidden, wrapped tightly for their protection until life can no longer remain hidden.
I don’t know if living within the confines of weight related issues ever caused you to feel restricted. I felt trapped, wrapped deep within the pain that I tried desperately to hide. I always knew that I could be healthy, but was never felt I had the energy or strength to break free. Breaking free meant I had to try again, let someone else see me “try” another diet, lose a few and gain a few and feel exhausted. But I desired to be free and I desired to change.
I know none of us likes desperation, but sometimes it is the singular, motivating factor of life-long change. I am not talking about change that lasts a few moments to simply appease our flesh, but change that cannot return. Change, REAL CHANGE, that becomes the new norm is often birthed out of a place that finally will no longer agree to be bound. Have you experienced this? I have.
Leaving that broken place meant I had to fight for life as no other. I fought to break free and fought to live. You can too. But can I be honest? Sometimes we fight so hard to break free only to return so quickly to our broken place. I really want to encourage you to fight for complete freedom and not simply to be free momentarily. It takes an enormous amount of energy for the butterfly to break free and emerge. HUGE! I see it this way – one can only expound that kind of energy a few times.
So, if you’ve fought for your freedom…….FIGHT HARDER TO REMAIN FREE. I know this is a daily challenge – I live there – but being healthy is worth the struggle. Look around, are you allowing the strands of your past cocoon to wrap around your ankles again. It’s easier to break free from a few strands than an entire cocoon. YES IT IS!
Love ya! PK
Monday, July 29, 2013
July 29, 2013 - NO Sweating Allowed
Another week and lots of opportunities for success. Love, love this. Starting new is a good thing. Yes?
While I am thinking about it, I have been approached by several about starting Life Group again. Let’s do it! We will continue to meet the first Sunday of each month, but in August, I have a previous commitment on August 4th. So, I am opening my home on August 11th for Life Group to launch. Here’s the BIG SECRET. On that night, we will be filming portions of our meeting for a promo video to be used at our church, as my pastor wants to really encourage participation in these groups. So come with your dish to share, a recipe to share (12 copies), your favorite shirt on, and bring a friend. I really feel God wants us to start praying more for healings. Don’t know exactly what this means, but let’s share and pray! I believe God wants to touch His people. Amen! Please let me know if you can attend, so we can adequately prepare.
I was in the pool Saturday morning working out REALLY hard but never sweating or struggling as the water cushioned every move and allowed my knees to do things they cannot do outside the water. I felt as if I was “in a miracle.” I was at total peace! I was reminded that life in the Spirit is like this. Because the Spirit of the Lord is upon us (Isaiah 61) and in us (Acts 2), our journey is designed to flow and move in ways that are beyond our natural limits. God doesn’t promise a perfect journey, but He promises to constantly surround our day’s activities and issues as we move in Him and provide our journey with supernatural help.
God never wants us to worry or fret but trust Him and lean not to our own understanding. Can anybody other than me admit that sometimes that is not as easy as it seems? God is HUGE; He never loses, never fails, never hiccups, never has to think through His “best” solution. He’s God. AND….He’s like the water in the pool constantly wrapping Himself around me and assisting my journey in HIM. Without God – fretting, struggling, sweating. In God, moving with ease. Yea, baby!
Oh, I smile as I type that. I can’t imagine a better place to put my entire trust. Can you? Let go and LET GOD. PK
Friday, July 26, 2013
July 26, 2013 - Count To 3, Pt. 3
Wow, we are about to wear this Count To 3 out! LOL
Today's the last day, I promise. I will be short today also, but it's Friday and our talk time has been somewhat challenging this week - at least for me. I have taken a look at several places in my life where my delayed obedience is actually causing issues. I love when God points my attention at areas not because He's mean, but because He loves me and knows what's best. Counting to 3 to allow our children a space to comply might not be detrimental unless they are about to be run over by a car and STOP needs an immediate action. YES! This also applies to our health. :)
Anyway, today, let's flip this counting thing around and count the three BEST parts of our week:
1. What brought you the most joy?
2. When did you feel God closely guide you in "paths of righteousness?"
3. Where were you able to sow kindness and make someone smile?
4. How many times did you wait before reacting?
5. Did you eat at least one piece of fruit daily?
6. Were you able to say "no" to your favorite sweets at least more than once? LOL
7. Did you hydrate well EACH day?
The list could go on, but let's "count to three" and find the 3 things we did really well this week. Then, let's pause and smile as life always wants us to see our failures BUT TODAY we are looking to celebrate our victories.
Count to 3 my friends - find the victory in this day and remember, "you CAN do all things through Christ who strengthens you!" PK
Thursday, July 25, 2013
July 25, 2013 - Counting to 3, Pt. 2
If you didn't have an opportunity to read yesterday's blog about counting to three, you probably should. It was cool that last night in church one of the pastors spoke on what constitutes disobedience and the benefits OF obedience. We don't often concentrate on the benefits, do we? But I LIKE them! I don't know about you, I would rather enjoy the consequences or quick obedience than get trapped in the "count to three" scenario. In my very humble opinion, all counting to three does is allow disobedience a window to continue. The real issue - the disobedient one usually KNOWS exactly how long 3 is. UGH. And then compliance often means no consequence, so the pattern will most assuredly be repeated. I absolutely do not believe this in regards to our health. We cannot delay obedience - we simply cannot!
Hope you enjoy today's cartoon. It really speaks right into this............PK
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Counting To 3
Good morning everyone,
Sorry no blog yesterday, but I had to take my mom for surgery on her eye. Praise God she is doing well, but these past couple of months have really been tough on her. Hopefully, following yesterday's surgery, we are on the mend. YEA! Let's talk about a situation we have all encountered and perhaps participated in......counting to 3.
While out late Monday, I encountered two women with their children. The first woman was being "tortured" by her baby daughter who was probably 18 months old. Every time she wanted something, screaming and grabbing proceeded. I immediately thought about how my flesh wants it's way but hopefully I never manifest in that manner. (remember one of last week's blogs?) But what the Lord pointed out to me followed this display. The second woman had 2 children, one of which was a boy about 7. It seemed that everything she told him not to do, became his mission TO DO. (I am a stickler for good behavior - so this really caught my attention.)
The mother reprimanded the young boy every time he disobeyed and then he proceeded to repeat the infraction. I just stood for a few moments and watched. Then the lesson started - the mom began to count. At the end of 3, the child responded for almost 5 minutes. Then, he hit the repeat button and the counting to 3 started over. As I watched this, I began to gather some reflections. Maybe you'll see what I see here.
How often do we decide to be healthy, stray from the correct path, someone "points out the correction" and the counting begins allowing us tomorrow, next week or following the next holiday before we comply? I watched this transaction Monday evening and wondered, "Is counting allowing disobedience?" Of course I started immediately going to my own life. How many times do I count as a means delaying obedience. Now while this may not so critical in some areas, I find it essential to answer this as it relates to our health. How many times can we count and delay following a huge weight gain - a bad blood report - a major illness. I have delayed being healthy more times than I care to report, but eventually the delay waits no longer - the counting no longer works and I suffered the consequence.
I would have been better off to comply at an early age. See the correlation? If not, count today's blog as too much coffee. LOL
Choose health and eat to live - and comply with no counting. PK
Monday, July 22, 2013
July 22, 2013 - What Seed Did You Plant?
Taking my lunch break to chat for a moment as Monday mornings are really busy for me.
We start another week together and it's all good! I would love to see some sunshine and dry days, but I know that God has a plan. No matter what I think, He has a plan. He is God during the rain and during the drought. I cannot allow the condition of the weather or the prediction of the skies to affect my attitude. ANYWAY - I was hoping that during all this rain we would have HUGE watermelons. But not so! As you remember, we had a bad time with them last year and I didn't plant any this go round.....but the little volunteer guys jumped up. So I determined if they survived it would be because they wanted to. The vines have run and spread, the flowers have popped out, but no fruit. So disappointing to me! But I love it when God uses those pictures in nature to show me things about Kathy. How about you?
I was just discussing with Terry that I pray God show me areas in my life that need pruning because they produce NOTHING - they look like a watermelon vine, spread like a watermelon vine, have flowers like a watermelon vine BUT PRODUCE NO FRUIT. I don't want to be that person who "appears" to bear fruit, but none exists. I will tell you that today I am pulling the watermelon vines from the ground as they have spread over a huge territory of our yard. I hate this, but other flowers that are producing need all the space they can get. YIKES! Terry starting listing reasons that perhaps they have not produced and all seem legit, but in the end it didn't help with the outcome.
As I was reading this morning in one devotionals, I was reminded from Genesis 1:11-12, that the kind of seed sewn determines the fruit produced. That seems simple, but it so profound. I considered the plans I have made for my body today and evaluated what seeds I intended to sew. Will these seeds produce what I expect for my body and health? Planting M and M's by the handfuls may not produce the type of fruit I need for a healthy journey??? But I imagine the raspberries and fresh peaches I will prepare for dinner will deposit healthy seed. Yes? Then, I have the RIGHT to expect the correct harvest. See where I am going with this? So let's all pause and consider what enters our bodies today - even our eye gates as we watch TV or the news. What type of harvest will these yield and am I okay with this?
Also, I am pondering the watermelon vines being pulled today. I told my husband that I don't want to ever find myself in a position of unfruitfulness where someone determines I need to be pulled and discarded as I appear to produce but do not. TOTALLY different than being pruned; I desire for dead things to be trimmed so I produce deeper and stronger. The key phrase here is PRODUCE.
Questions: 1) what are you planting and 2) what are you producing???
Much love, PK
Thursday, July 18, 2013
July 18, 2013 - My Prayer
Many of us are coming to the realization that we have options and choices, but it takes discipline to remain constant over the long haul. Amen? Every other day a new product, a new fad, a new option emerges. As I sat in the doctor's office last week with my mom, I went through 2 different magazines only to "discover" new diet fads with the promise of complete and final victory on every other page. But can I be honest, losing weight (WITH NO EFFORT) and sex scandals sell magazines. We live in an age of information and if something can "make us skinny" and allow us to eat everything we want (which is often what they claim) then we will sacrifice our toes getting painted to purchase that pill or try THAT plan. Desperation gives way to false hope and within a month we are back in the yo-yo of dieting. Horrible cycle.
I felt this morning to include a prayer that we could pray together and ask the LORD for His help. If you'd like, you can pray this with me:
Good morning, Father. We thank you for this day for it holds great opportunities and possibilities within it. We know that you created this day and it's Your day. We chose to celebrate You in this day. LORD, we want to ask this day that you open our eyes to see clearly your plan for each of us throughout this day. We want to journey close to you, hear the small whisper of your voice and be quickly obedient in all areas. Father, we reject those things that offer a quick fix and embrace the truth that our fleshly desires must be managed well under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We need your help to make correct choices, which may not always be the easy ones.
We know that your best plan for our body includes good health and we ask that you allow us to see the goodness in that. Help us to desire the good things you provided and help us to be disciplined as we need to be. We realize that our health is an area of weakness sometimes and we ask for your support and help. We thank you that we know when we ask, according to your will, you help. We don't want to struggle one more day with poor health. Our greatest desire this day is to show you how much we love you. Help us see those who are struggling and offer hope. Help us to have great attitudes and be kind to others and to ourselves. We love you!
Have a great one! PK
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
July 17, 2013 - EXCESS!
Good mid-week morning to you all,
I received a precious gift from a new friend in New Hampshire yesterday and it made me wanna shout! It's a book called Sparkling Gems from the Greek and I quickly started reading. I LOVE word studies and the hidden (sparkling gems) truths they produce. God's Word is the book of answers and His heart for His creation flows from every page. Anyway, this book is a daily Bible study filled with Hebrew and Greek studies of words that allow the reading to be amplified. I backed up a few days and started a section on the works of the flesh from Galatians 5. OMGoodness - anyone remember Galatians 5:1? Yep! But by the end of that chapter the great Apostle Paul begins to define and speak about the "works of the flesh" and how they MANIFEST.
The word manifest is the Greek word phaneros which means to appear, become visible, become apparent, become seen, to be well known, to become conspicuous. How many of you know when my flesh wants to act ugly I certainly don't need it to make a spectacle for all to see. UGH! As Paul begins to list these "manifestations" of the flesh, and I begin to study their meanings in my new book, I begin to see myself in many of them. It's funny how we so quickly can see the muck of life and disregard ourselves in that. Am I the only one? I do however, appreciate the Holy Spirit drawing me to the truth and not sticking my nose in it - but handing me a new pair of glasses that allow me to SEE myself in the text. Repentance comes only by seeing and submitting. Eloquent words and flashy performances never bring true repentance - only a real encounter with TRUTH.
Anyway, as I am looking at these works of the flesh I settle on a word I can hardly pronounce: lasciviousness. I have done some studies of this word previously and found it to be related to orgies and excessive drinking, which it is. HOWEVER, here is the definition listed in my new book from the Greek: the excessive consumption of food, or wild, undisciplined living that is especially marked by unbridled sex. YIKES! So I began to think, excessive and undisciplined eating refers to our portion sizes, the kind of foods we eat, how we prepare our foods. Yes? And I am certain we can all attest to the manifestations that occur from lasciviousness. They become irritatingly visible. Maybe just on me? BUT...the thing that got me was I never really connected with the fact that God saw my undisciplined consumption of food as a work of the flesh. I would encourage you to re-read Galatians 5:19-21. The NIV translations calls them the acts of a sinful nature. Yuck again. I don't care if they're called works of the flesh or acts of a sinful nature - I don't want any part of this! How about you?
So, let's closely examine our heart and deal with any excessive and undisciplined food episodes and at least mark that off the list. Amen!
Love you and believe the best about you! PK
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
July 16, 2013 - The Simple LIfe
It was a busy day yesterday catching up from the vacation week, but I really enjoy the sense of accomplishment that comes from getting things done and back to a place of being in order. (guess you know what kind of person I am?) Anyway, I am coordinating a BIG event for a friend Saturday evening and if you live anywhere in the south, you know we are in a rain pattern. This is scheduled to be an OUTSIDE event. Now if this event had occurred in the past three years when we were in drought season - no prob. But this is the RAINY summer. I am having to make a plan B, all the while asking God for a window - a moment of favor.
I was reminded yesterday as I was speaking to God that He knows everything and knows whether it's going to rain and change the dynamic of the party. I felt Him calmly remind me that sometimes things in our lives are shifted and our response is critical. I can't scream and shout at the clouds or worry all week and be angry that God didn't stop the rain. Life has variables that sometimes happen as their response to nature. My response as opposed to being angry should be to ASK God for wisdom as to how to take this outside event inside (all the details) and make this a HUGE success all the while allowing my friend to not be mad at God or the weather but to see that sometimes we are given a lemon and an opportunity to make lemonade. You know all this. It's really our attitude and choice to not get angry at things we cannot control.
Love this from Oswald Chambers this morning: "God is my Father, He loves me, and I will never think of anything that He will forget, so why should I worry?" God knows what will happen with the weather Saturday and knows I need help. I can either get angry that I've planned this huge event, OUTSIDE, and get soaked - OR, I can ask Him to help me move this event to a place where everyone will have an amazing time, no one gets frustrated, and I am learning to ask even when my initial ask - "let there be a 2 day window with no rain" - doesn't seem to be in the plan. Worrying doesn't change the rain - but it could change the outcome and cause everyone around me to be frustrated and create a "not so fun" event for my friend.
I asked about the weather - now I am asking for wisdom. Start your day asking God to allow you to have His mind and counsel in your choices. Then, go back and re-read the statement from Oswald Chambers and remind yourself that God is in control and if He doesn't do what we "need" it DOESN'T mean that He doesn't hear our prayers, love us, or care. Chow for now, PK
Monday, July 15, 2013
July 15, 2013 - My REAL Enemy
Sorry this is late - I have been working through some emails, etc after returning from vaca!
Back off vacation and ready to roll! How was your weekend? I pray you are all enjoying health to the max. I have been with my mom (78) and stepfather (86) for a week and I am moved more than ever to fight for my health. When we are young and invincible, turning 80 seems as though it is one million years away. But spending 7 days in the presence of my aged parents reminds me that time waits for no one. However, they are both in great health and very energetic. In fact, mom worked out in the pool with me three times while I was there and we all ate healthy and sugar free. Did I have to cook a lot? Yes! But, I saw mom and Bill's energy level and overall attitude soar as they ate well and played hard while we were with them. The right "fuel" made all the difference. Mom said she hadn't seen Bill eat this much or laugh so hard in awhile. The right kind of fuel and lots of water make for a happy aging process. I saw a turn around in JUST ONE WEEK.
Sometimes we see aging as an enemy. Mom would comment that she can't do as she once did and how wrinkled her skin looked. However, after a week of grabbing health in multiple areas, she hugged me yesterday and commented, "I feel sooo good. I ate well and worked out hard. YEA!" I told her the energy it takes to shop and cook healthy is worth the pay off. Our golden years are not meant to be our enemy. We trust that God's love is unfailing and this vessel He has provided will go the distance if we do the maintenance. Say "amen!"
Let's fuel well this week and embrace every day God has given us and ONLY call those things enemies that God does. :) PK
Psalm 13 - NLT
For the choir director: A psalm of David.
1 O Lord, how long will you forget me? Forever?
How long will you look the other way?
2 How long must I struggle with anguish in my soul,
with sorrow in my heart every day?
How long will my enemy have the upper hand?
3 Turn and answer me, O Lordmy God!
Restore the sparkle to my eyes, or I will die.
4 Don’t let my enemies gloat, saying, “We have defeated him!”
Don’t let them rejoice at my downfall.
5 But I trust in your unfailing love.
I will rejoice because you have rescued me.
6 I will sing to the Lord
because he is good to me.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
July 11, 2103 - Chocolate, Chocolate Everywhere
Good morning family,
I am in Warm Springs this morning and out of the mountains. I will finish my vacation here with my mom and stepfather. I pray your week is going well. All is great here.
I had a friend who used a term yesterday that grabbed my attention - "clean eating." I pondered that statement last night and considered how often we add "everything" to our food so it tastes good. I thought about how often we forget what "real" food tastes like. I forget sometimes - how about you? That is why I try to eat raw veggies as well as cooked in my daily plan. Don't get me wrong - I like good taste - but we have to watch how we add "taste" to our food. I am working with fresh herbs and spices as opposed to oils and fatty substances, like bacon. I heard a chef on one of the cooking shows comment that bacon "makes everything taste better." While I LOVE the taste of bacon, I have also come to realize what bacon grease looks like when cooled. Just me... In fact, he had bacon wrapped around a piece of cheesecake. Really?
Found this today and thought it might make you smile. What do we really want our food to taste like? CHOCOLATE! Are we really eating clean? Good questions, PK. LOL
Have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
July 10, 2013 - Isaiah 53
As I read from a very familiar passage this morning and made the words us and we personal, all I could do was put my face in my hands and with gratitude cry "thank you." I don't know about you, but being unhealthy most of my life spawned a myriad of physical and emotional issues. Sometimes, a few of those try to manifest and bring discouragement to me again. Gotta keep it real. But when I re-read this verse a minute ago, I was flooded with a powerful reminder that Jesus was willing to suffer that I could be healed. The Bible says, "for the joy set before him He endured the cross." Isaiah 53 reminds me that while mankind viewed Jesus' death from one perspective, the truth shouts another. As you read this passage today, can you stop, make it personal and praise God that His plan included eternal health through salvation as well as physical health while we maneuver through life? Just reading this again infuses JOY in my heart. I am HEALED - I am WHOLE - I am WELL. Say that several times today! Thank you, Jesus. (tears in my eyes) Love you, PK
Isaiah 53
The Message (MSG)
53 Who believes what we’ve heard and seen?
Who would have thought God’s saving power would look like this?
2-6 The servant grew up before God—a scrawny seedling,
a scrubby plant in a parched field.
There was nothing attractive about him,
nothing to cause us to take a second look.
He was looked down on and passed over,
a man who suffered, who knew pain firsthand.
One look at him and people turned away.
We looked down on him, thought he was scum.
But the fact is, it was our pains he carried—
our disfigurements, all the things wrong with us.
We thought he brought it on himself,
that God was punishing him for his own failures.
But it was our sins that did that to him,
that ripped and tore and crushed him—our sins!
He took the punishment, and that made us whole.
Through his bruises we get healed.
We’re all like sheep who’ve wandered off and gotten lost.
We’ve all done our own thing, gone our own way.
And God has piled all our sins, everything we’ve done wrong,
on him, on him.
July 10, 2013 - Isaiah 53
As I read from a very familiar passage this morning and made the words us and we personal, all I could do was put my face in my hands and with gratitude cry "thank you." I don't know about you, but being unhealthy most of my life spawned a myriad of physical and emotional issues. Sometimes, a few of those try to manifest and bring discouragement to me again. Gotta keep it real. But when I re-read this verse a minute ago, I was flooded with a powerful reminder that Jesus was willing to suffer that I could be healed. The Bible says, "for the joy set before him He endured the cross." Isaiah 53 reminds me that while mankind viewed Jesus' death from one perspective, the truth shouts another. As you read this passage today, can you stop, make it personal and praise God that His plan included eternal health through salvation as well as physical health while we maneuver through life? Just reading this again infuses JOY in my heart. I am HEALED - I am WHOLE - I am WELL. Say that several times today! Thank you, Jesus. (tears in my eyes) Love you, PK
Isaiah 53
The Message (MSG)
53 Who believes what we’ve heard and seen?
Who would have thought God’s saving power would look like this?
2-6 The servant grew up before God—a scrawny seedling,
a scrubby plant in a parched field.
There was nothing attractive about him,
nothing to cause us to take a second look.
He was looked down on and passed over,
a man who suffered, who knew pain firsthand.
One look at him and people turned away.
We looked down on him, thought he was scum.
But the fact is, it was our pains he carried—
our disfigurements, all the things wrong with us.
We thought he brought it on himself,
that God was punishing him for his own failures.
But it was our sins that did that to him,
that ripped and tore and crushed him—our sins!
He took the punishment, and that made us whole.
Through his bruises we get healed.
We’re all like sheep who’ve wandered off and gotten lost.
We’ve all done our own thing, gone our own way.
And God has piled all our sins, everything we’ve done wrong,
on him, on him.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
July 9, 2013 - The Piranha Trout
WOW - it's so beautiful in the mountains. I am hoping you connected with yesterday's blog. Question - did you speak life to yourself and others? Did you remind yourself that your body was formed by the Eternal Father and nothing is hidden from Him? Did you speak to yourself that "you can do all things in Christ because He gives you strength?" I did several times. Just that simple reminder came to my heart many times yesterday and really helped me offer encouragement and life to others. Try today to find a nugget of TRUTH (not flattery) that you can offer to others everywhere you go. Giving people a compliment - NOT flattery - is a great way to help others and sometimes draw the attention from our issues. Let's experiment today.
Anyway, as I walked the premises here yesterday, I found a man-made trout pond that was filled with young trout. At first I was upset because they are supposed to grow and feed in the wild. Anyway - I cannot control this resort complex. (wink) So Terry and I took several quarters, gathered some food, and feed them. OMGOODNESS - what lessons came to my heart. As we tossed the food into the pond, those babies JUMPED ON that food like piranha. It was almost scary at how intensely they jumped at the pellets. Then I began to ask myself:
1. Do I hunger after truth like this? God's Word feeds my spirit and soul with answers to all my daily issues.
2. Do I fight for my health as valiantly as these fish fight to live? If they don't fight - they don't live. See the correlation?
3. Not matter where I tossed the food, they swam like "wild people" to find and gather the pellets. I just wonder if I am that desperate to live, and no matter what I have to do to remain alive, count me in,
We all have the same span of time each day. We all exist in the same "pool of life." Yes, each of us is given different circumstances, but we ALL HAVE ISSUES. When we are tempted to say that our circumstances "make us grab the wrong foods or don't allow us to eat in a healthy manner," let's go back to the truth. No one forces us to make the choices we do each day. We choose to go to work; we choose what clothes we wear; and we choose our own health options. Those young trout are dependent upon others to choose for them - to offer them their food choice. We are not. So today, let's determine to fight against the urges and voices that allow us tp "start again tomorrow or wait until the next holiday is over." Our health is a gift from God. At least we are not trapped in a pool with no options. UGH!
Love you and praying a blessing over you this day, PK
Monday, July 8, 2013
July 8, 2013 - Offering Fruit
Hey, hey....I am contacting you from Cashiers, North Carolina. I am on vacation with my husband, mom and stepfather this week. I am thankful to chat with you from this mountain cabin. You would LOVE it here. Right outside the front door of the cabin is a man-made water fall and pond with fish. I'm just like a kid - let's grab some bread and feed them. I am about to start my exploring and will keep pictures posted to Facebook. I am going to try to keep posting each day as I love chatting with you. It keeps me connected to people who love life and health as I do.
Proverbs 18:20-21
The Message (MSG)
20 Words satisfy the mind as much as fruit does the stomach;
good talk is as gratifying as a good harvest.
21 Words kill, words give life;
they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.
Looking at this as our scripture for today. I want us to remember that sometimes we forget the power that comes from our mouth. Remember, God spoke and the entire universe was created. Hold that thought. We were created in His image and do we NOT THINK we have power in our words??? Yes, we do. Have you ever "sliced" someone and watched death settle on them? I have. And have you ever "sliced" yourself with the power of your words and felt shame and death invade your spirit. Again, I have. Re-read the passage and then stop and encourage YOURSELF today with the power of your words and God's words about you. We WERE created in His image - we ARE the head and not the tail. Let that bring you energy today as a good piece of fruit would.
Then....speak LIFE everywhere you go this day. By doing so you are offering others a piece of fruit, life, and a good harvest. But I felt the Holy Spirit remind me that sometimes we'll speak life to others and death to ourselves. Let's STOP. Let's offer fruit to everyone INCLUDING ourselves. Love you deeply, PK
Friday, July 5, 2013
July 5, 2013 - The Real Culprit
Praying your soggy and wet 4th was at least restful. I had 2 wonderful meals with family and friends and am smiling this morning while doing the victory dance. How many others are dancing with me? Freedom from obesity - freedom to choose - freedom to create new recipes (I made a yummy banana split with strawberries and blueberries and no ice cream - not certain what to title it yet - YUM!). Freedom, freedom everywhere. Be certain that the rain doesn't promp you to overeat due to boredom. NO - hot tea or playing cards. Have the celery and apples ready. You can do it.
I found this and laughed.....I thought I HAD SPOKEN every excuse to overeat known to mankind. I hope this blesses you and remember, we are FREE to resist the pull of the magnets. LOL Talk on Monday! PK
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
July 3, 2013 - Kicked In The Side
I don't know where you live, but we are expecting a lot of rain over the next few days in Georgia. Cool and rainy - how does that play into my plans to grill and swim? Not certain, but we will adapt. There is always a card game on the corner or a movie waiting to be viewed. I cannot complain as we have been through such a drought for a the past several years.
As I read Acts 12 this morning, I really placed myself in Peter's story. I want to highlight a few of the verses:
Peter’s Miraculous Escape from Prison (Acts 12:6-9)
6 The night before Peter was to be placed on trial, he was asleep, fastened with two chains between two soldiers. Others stood guard at the prison gate. 7 Suddenly, there was a bright light in the cell, and an angel of the Lord stood before Peter. The angel struck him on the side to awaken him and said, “Quick! Get up!” And the chains fell off his wrists. 8 Then the angel told him, “Get dressed and put on your sandals.” And he did. “Now put on your coat and follow me,” the angel ordered. 9 So Peter left the cell, following the angel. But all the time he thought it was a vision. He didn’t realize it was actually happening. (NLT)
If you read these verses again, Peter is totally in bondage. He was stripped and chained with layers of guards to make certain he was never to see freedom. Have you ever felt that way? I have! For many years I struggled so desperately with even the "happy holidays" as I knew I would over eat, feel guilty, and over eat for days to "comfort" myself. Can you say LAYERS of guards (days of self-indulgence) with no hope of escape. But don't you love the word SUDDENLY?
I had to laugh at a few things: the angel had to kick Peter to awaken him, instruct him to get up and get dressed, and all the while Peter thinks it was a wild dream from over eating the meal prior. :) Peter was slow to realize what was fully happening - he missed the SUDDENLY of God. How many times have I done that? I wonder how I would respond...and I wonder if I would be sleeping that soundly while scantily clothed among layers of guards. Yes, if I was sleeping in peace. Right? You know that Peter was no stranger to calamity, so this may have been his norm. Remember I said I placed myself in his story? So many times God reached in to help me, but I never got it. I was "foggy" at best. I never came to the full realization that a way of FINAL escape really existed. When Peter arrived at the house of his friends, even they (although they were praying - that's a message in itself) were shocked to "see" the deliverance of the Lord. So many insights right here....
Let me just say this day, you can be free! I am praying that you connect with the TRUTH and walk out of whatever prison cell you find yourself in today and declare Galatians 5:1 over yourself. You may see layers of guards and chains but God sees SUDDENLY. That makes me smile! Re-read the passage and ask God to reveal His truth FOR YOU in His Word. It's there.
Praying for all of us today that we will choose LIFE and follow the angel to our place of safety. PK
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
July 2, 2013 - Rawhide?
I pray you are planning your 4th of July parties well. I am grilling wings, and having squash with a fruit trifle. I am one of those America-loving girls and somewhere in my day I always do something red, white, and blue. Last year I made a trifle using my five flavor pound cake (I cut into the shapes of stars) with strawberries, blueberries, and homemade whipped cream topping placed between the colors and cake. This year I am simply doing fruit and whipped cream to see if I can build a trifle with only the colors of the fruits??? I may also add watermelon but not certain as the juice may cause the whipped cream to run easily. Anyway - plan, plan, and plan! Be the trendsetter for your family gathering. And make a HUGE container of water and add either the leaves of sweet basil or mint. So refreshing!
Anyway, today I thought we should extend some gratitude heavenward for all the food choices we DO HAVE. I know sometimes carefully examining every food item can become a chore, but we should do it anyway. Right? But what about this food plan:
Now I don't know about you, but I'll take grilled (not fried) wings and a fruit dessert as opposed to rawhide EVERY day of the week.
Know that God is for you and has a wonderful plan for your life this day. Stop now and ask the Holy Spirit to show you those who are hurting and reach out to them. If you're today, I pray God's best hug embrace you right now. We'll talk again tomorrow, PK
Monday, July 1, 2013
July 1, 2013 - Gar Fish, Really?
Hello and good Monday to you all,
How many of you know that sometimes it's best to NOT KNOW what your enemy looks like? I am truly just kidding. I think it's always critical to know what something that could potentially harm us really is. So how about I join some friends for great couple of days at a lake only to discover ONE of the fish in the lake is a gar fish. Growing up I was well acquainted with swimming in lakes and dealing with fish. I was young and stupid. But as of late, I would like to know what lurks beyond the water in which I am about to swim and float. No worries - I hear that one of the fish in this lake is a gar. My husband proceeds to inform me that they look like baby alligators, have teeth, and bite white legs and booties. YIKES! Can you get a picture of my bootie hanging through an inter-tube with a dangling sign that says "Free Dinner?"
At first, I determine that I cannot get in the water, but I see no fish at all. Slowly I relax my apprehension and decide to pray, consecrate the water and kick my legs like a banshie to scare anything away that is considering me as free food. Plus I REALLY want to work out with my water weights and do an hour of water aerobics. AGAIN - I see no fish. To my surprise I spent almost 90 minutes in the water with no nibble. In case you are wondering, prayer works. LOL After dinner, the boys are fishing ONLY to inform me they saw 4-5 gar fish in the area. No worries again - gar fish probably have no teeth and do not look like alligators and I have been "played like a fiddle." NOT.....
After getting home I decide to see if everyone has laughed at my expense or if gar fish really exist. Can you see this picture?
(Sorry - those who are reading this post, the picture I copied didn't place here. Find a picture of a gar fish and hold that thought.)
They do exist, they do have teeth and they do look like alligators. When I found this, I shuttered and thanked God for His protection because if I had seen one while swimming, I might have fainted. But isn't this just like life? Sometimes the things we cannot see lurking just below the surface pose such a threat. We cannot be afraid to play in the water; we simply need to recognize the potential for attacks from those things hidden and make a plan. I have a friend who's battling cancer currently and missed the lurking signs. There were a multitude of warnings, but when the diagnosis came, the battle was much more intense because the "critter under the water" (cancer) had grown in size and the fight is now great. I am praying for my friend and gathering all the insight I can from the gar fish experience.
Just because I didn't see any while swimming, didn't mean they weren't present. Just because we are in a season to eat anything we want (especially our young ones) doesn't mean we are safe. There is an incredible amount of information to give us clear pictures of "gar fish" within our lives that often are perpetuated by poor health choices. Here's what I think, I would rather choose health daily and let the gar fish starve. Yes, I would. Gar fish, to me, resembles diabetes, high blood pressure, reflux, etc.........and our health choices definitely give them liberty to swim in our water. I am posting a sign, "Just Say No to the Gar Fish."
Maybe you're smiling, but you know this is true. PK
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