Enjoy your morning coffee and "chat" with Kathy about all aspects of life especially as it relates to being healthy. Using God's Word to illuminate truth is the major focus of this morning blog. This blog only posts Monday-Friday.
Friday, December 28, 2012
December 28, 2012 - New Year's Eve Parties
New Year's Eve Parties are right around the corner and that takes some grocery shopping for us. Let all the trend setters lock and load, pack and carry, laugh and enjoy! Remember as you pack for the party, cover your bases. If you're not certain what's being served, plan a meat, some "finger food" veggies you can nibble while socializing and your own sparkling water. No one needs to know you're packing. (wink) Even last night at a party, when some saw I wasn't eating the bread or the croutons, I saw people passing their food off and refusing to eat the bread. I think they felt I was on some weird, hard diet and they were helping me. I hate for people to be awkward - I simply said "I'm not eating that right now." At a party is not the easiest or best time to uncover how we got healthy. Right?
We need to remember, eating healthy is not the popular choice or the easy choice. When I asked for a third bowl of salad (I KNOW - I was hungry), they were smiling and looking at me odd. I simply stated, "I just LOVE salad." (which is not REALLY the truth, but it was the best choice) Then I thought......"Why do I need to comment?" If I was asking for a third piece of bread, I wouldn't do that. Nope, but anyway, the word for today is plan ahead! I didn't eat dessert so when we got home, I cut a big apple and ate it with some natural peanut butter and sugar free hot fudge mixed together. YUM! Then added a cup of Sleepy Time Peach Tea and Truvia - double yum! At the end of the day, I wasn't mad at myself nor angry that I had eaten too much. I LIKE feeling that way!
Let's make a plan........ on January 1st we will ALL open our eyes and smile that we had a successful evening and made great choices. No bitterness or anger will reside within us from a fallen journey - AGAIN. Right??? And we will renew our strength by celebrating success and not comforting our failures. You can do it - I believe in you. A little bit of planning carries us a LONG way.
We'll talk again on Monday, but remember as you shop to think about color. I am doing a lot of reading on inflammation right now and the foods that contribute to that condition and it's long-term effects on disease. One of the articles I read yesterday said, "eating well is like taking medicine everyday. If people could eat well, they could eventually strengthen their bodies to block and fight the establishment of so many known diseases." I will share some of this later. The issue is that inflammation lays silent until it's often such a fight that it's near impossible to win.
Thanks for hanging with me this year! PK
PS - Healthy 4 You Life Group on the January 6th at 6PM. It's chili and soup night.....YUM!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
December 27, 2012 - Law vs. Grace
Good morning to all,
Praying this chilly morning finds you warm and cozy. I have been drinking coffee and playing with my IPad mini for several hours. I am getting ready to get cleaned up and head to the pool to work out.
I saw Les Miserables yesterday and was so reminded of God's grace and faithfulness in our lives. And, while reading this morning from James, remembering again that compliance with the law cannot save me. (I do realize the consequence of sin, and am grateful for the saving GRACE of Jesus) Remembering also that the commandments were summed up into only TWO - Love God and love others AS I LOVE MYSELF. Do I love myself?? Can I love others as God desires if my only thoughts concerning myself are loathing??? Not sure. :) We really need to conquer those nagging thoughts of failure and low self-esteem. There is NO GOOD in that manner of thinking - I know, I lived there for years. :(
What about this.......if the law cannot save us, then can a "diet" plan filled with regulations "save" us from an unhealthy future??? For a season....maybe yes, but we will eventually falter (break the restriction LAWS) because our flesh is so powerful at times. Yes? BUT.......loving ourself ENOUGH to choose health and healthy eating is a much better plan than the legalistic journey of "do's and dont's." Filling my house with healthy choices is GRACE to me, not law. I eat protein, veggies, and fruits because I WANT to and the consequences are GOOD to my body. To me, this is such a deep parallel to the contrast between LAW and GRACE.
So, enjoy your day, choose well, and reap the consequences of GREAT CHOICES. Much love, PK
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
December 26, 2012 - Wrapping the Gifts
Merry Christmas! I pray your day yesterday was filled with fun and laughter. Mine certainly was. I got a new baby - I Pad Mini - whom I have loving named Gigi. Why? I don't know. :)
As we opened gifts yesterday, I couldn't help but wonder, "what new gifts can be opened for our team this coming year?" "What are the new foods, the new recipes, the new adventures sitting in front of us?" I now have all the 96 recipes that are going into the book recorded, printed and ready for editing. I am editing and uploading morning blogs, and working on finding nutritional values for all recipes. (that could take some time - ugh) Tthat's a new adventure sitting in front of me........something new to be unwrapped. I am also traveling to Thailand in March to work with an organization that helps children over there. I am just now beginning to raise support for the trip. Would love your prayers! New adventure for me. I want to be a voice in this year.
I am also asking God for opportunities to speak more in this upcoming year. Where ever He needs me to go and what ever He needs me to say - I'm available! Are you making your requests known to God? Are you dreaming BIG and asking God to use you totally? I was reminded recently how GOD HAS OPENED YUMMY RECIPES FOR US IN 2012. I really don't take credit for this - a thought will come to me of how to mix this and that, I run to the kitchen and try it (some work and some need tweaking), and then respond to my husband's question, "where did you get this recipe?" "GOD!" Unwrapping the gift of health has been one of the greatest blessings of my life.
BUT......here's the ticket - for so many years I would "unwrap" the NEXT diet plan, the NEXT miracle, diet pill, the NEXT "give me a chance" food journey. In about February, when the Valentine's candy would emerge, off the wagon I would fall. Then, I would try to re-package the program and start again only to decide "this is really not the plan for me." Anybody identify? How about you purpose today to unwrap a HEALTHY eating plan (that contains NO CHEATS) and be done. NO more re-packaging, NO more excuses, NO more failure. The next package you unwrap would be a healthy blood report that gets rewarded with a new shirt. Then, and from hence forth, you unwrap healthy, new foods and recipes as God shares them with you and you RE-GIFT them to this team who knows that we can live healthy in an unhealthy world, eat food that tastes amazing that's packed full of great nutrients, and successfully grow old as Moses did where he led people, looked out over mountains and enjoyed life.
Now that's a gift I want to unwrap. How about you? Have a good one - PK
Monday, December 24, 2012
December 24, 2012 - Your Christmas Treat
GM and Merry Christmas! We are closing another year of health and looking forward to improved health in 2013. Improved? Absolutely! There is always room for improvement. Our food can taste better, be fresher, our blood reports better and our spirits laughing and enjoying strong bodies. Isaiah 61 talks about PROCLAIMING - well, let's proclaim! But, proclamation without actions is simply words in the air with no feet. I NEVER want to say again, "well, next year I'm REALLY gonna try to get healthy." NOPE - I'm doing health! NOW. You, too, or you wouldn't read this daily. Good job!
BUT.....there is something to be said for aligning our actions with our declarations and watching our bodies come back to the health God purposed for us. The world offers every excuse for failure - fast foods, processed foods, sugared foods, too much food. YES? But we have chosen to be healthy and for our families to be healthy and our lives are offering success instead of failure to those around us. This Christmas, the GREATEST gift to anyone is Jesus Christ and I believe the second greatest is our health.
Let's be honest, when we eat good, drink good, feel good, and look good...........we often ARE GOOD. It's amazing how extra weight and tight closes can bring out the worst in us. Well, maybe just me. :) Someone posted on Facebook last night that they were on an eating binge and felt horrible and ashamed. That was me for many years. I would dread the Christmas Eve Service as often my "big girl" clothes were beyond zipping and I felt sluggish and defeated. Can you relate? But not this year and I pray never again! Choosing to be healthy cannot be a fad, or the holidays win. NO.......I beat the holiday bulge. It doesn't control me or my response to others.
So, gotta run and start the Christmas Day preps - made a sugar free cheesecake with a pecan bottom last night and a raspberry/blueberry reduction to serve on top. YUM. Getting ahead is a great thing, so I get to enjoy the morning.
Here's a little Christmas something for each of you: As you know, people often give baked goods as Christmas gifts. Well, I choose not to taste. It's hard sometimes but an opened door, FOR ME, is an opened door. So, while my husband was eating and smiling, eating and smiling, I decided to find a treat for Kathy. I took 1 tsp of Smucker's Natural Chunky Peanut Butter (stirred well to get the oil mixed in) and 1 tsp of Smucker's Sugar Free Hot Fudge Topping (room temp) and mixed together. (I KNOW - I don't do sugar free products.........but it's Christmas and I am watching my husband enjoy all the goodies). I mixed this on a plate and sliced a HUGE apple to dip it with. YUM!!!!!!!! It's such a yummy, chocolate taste. I love it! I have been eating a small portion daily. When it's gone - it's gone - but so is Christmas. :) So, if you're headed to the store for the last minute items, try this. You'll be shocked how yummy.
Merry Christmas FAM - I pray this is your best Christmas and Jesus brings peace to your home and life as only He can. Kathy
Friday, December 21, 2012
December 21, 2012 - Trash Talk
YEA! I'm back on line. It's really amazing how much we depend on our electronically - powered devices and when they are down - yikes! It took almost four days to work things out after going to a wireless home phone. But praise God, I'm connected again.
This morning the chimes are ringing boldly on my front and back porches from the force of the wind. While we cannot see the wind, it definitely makes its presence known. Now, in my case, all this strong wind is filling my yard AGAIN with a heavy load of leaves. UGH! You know what that means. I see the yard being covered with leaves, but the leaves know they must fall to the ground in preparation for the new growth on the trees in the spring. Same scene - two different perspectives! I wonder how often we allow a negative perspective to overshadow the GOOD which is intended for a particular situation? As soon as the negative statement proceeds from our mouths, I wonder just what type of power it has? We cannot see the wind, but we SEE its power. Making negative statements about our day, our situation, our weight changes nothing. However, speaking and declaring the truth of God's word as we begin the day, does change things.
The problem..........we "try" this for 2 days and if the result we "thought" was to occur doesn't, "this must be for EVERYONE but me." Really? Let's leave the "trash talk" buried deep within 2012 and boldly march into 2013 declaring, "God plans to do GOOD by me and not harm me. He provides a good hope and good future for me." Let's commit to allow the dead leaves of negative statements about ourselves and futures to be BLOWN AWAY by the power of the Holy Spirit. God's word was TRUE, is TRUE, and will ALWAYS BE true.
NOW......I've tried the reverse and been whacked also. I would stuff myself, declare how beautiful I was and other promises from God's truth, gain wait and be mad at God. Can I be real? Can you believe it? It's true and I am thankful you are more stable than I. I'm not saying that declaring truth means we can stuff ourselves. What I'm saying is that we often cloak the morning with our negative declarations and in that pocket of self-pity, we comfort ourselves with extra layers of food throughout the day - for certainly if I declare that I am fat and ugly - I MUST BE. Let's STOP..........speak well, declare well, change the atmosphere and see if confidence can help us say, "NO" when we need to.
Love you deeply, PK
PS - Healthy 4 You Life Group on January 6th at 6:pm at my house. Love to see you!
Monday, December 17, 2012
December 17, 2012 - Decorate YOUR Plate for Christmas!
Sorry this is late, I have been a busy girl. :)
For those of you who know me well, you know I am a girl of color! I THINK that's one of the reasons I love Christmas so much. It's not the gifts, but the color and the decorations. I think one of the greatest delights of healthy eating is all the colors available to us. Meat and potatoes people - or people who don't eat veggies - have a somber eating experience, I think. Bringing color and creativity to the meal selection is really important to our survival. Someone asked me last night if not having starches meant my meals were boring. I guess that's a matter of semantics??? What they would consider boring could be different than what I NOW consider boring. Yes, lean proteins, fruits and veggies sounds simple - but it's really not. They felt deleting pastas and rice dishes limited my meals. But I reminded them #1 - meals are about refueling and I don't live for meals to bring me happiness any longer and #2 - I CAN EAT what I wan, but I CHOOSE to eat what brings health to my body. That's a shift in perspective.
She asked about eating out - I told her I can eat anywhere. It's my choice. If the only item on a menu was a loaded hamburger, (which it never is) I can eat the meat, the veggies, and throw the bun away. Then, I told her I usually always have an apple close by which can add some color and fiber. BAM.............I told her, "if you want to be healthy, you can be. But, you must desire it more than the taste of rice and pasta." The moral of the story - rice and pasta don't have the color or the nutrition of steamed veggies or a salad. Decorate your plate for Christmas and give the gift of health to YOURSELF!
PS - start planning now for our first Healthy 4 You Life Group on January 6th at 6:00 at my house. It's chili night - bring your best, healthy chili or soup. Please let me know you're coming so I can prepare.
PSS - sliced jicama is a great addition to your salads. It provides GREAT nutrition, low fat, no sugar, slightly sweet taste and the crunch! YUM!
Friday, December 14, 2012
December 14, 2012 - Who Knew?
Good morning,
How about that meteor shower last night? Any one see anything majestic? God is so good to allow us to see a few of the wonders that I am sure entertain him daily. :)
I have been doing some additional research on xylitol. In addition to bringing health to your gums and teeth (mine have done a 180 degree turn around), one article reported that many are using xylitol with their neti pots and nasal solutions and are seeing great results with chronic sinus infections. Other people who are using xylitol in their everyday lives and are seeing a dramatic DECREASE in asthma and respiratory infections. WOW! My grand daughter suffers from winter asthma and I thought she had not had a bought because she was thinner, but I wonder if it's the xylitol???? She normally misses a good number of days each school year. She has not this year. :) I don't know - but this is certainly worth keeping our eyes on. However, the pharmaceutical companies would never verify this to be true. Could you imagine the cost to them? YIKES! But what a healthy gift for us. :)
I love it - a natural sugar replacement that allows us to bake and enjoy our yummies while keeping our gums, nasal passages and lungs healthier. What could be better? Merry Christmas to US!
If you find any coolness about the xylitol, pass it along. Talk to you Monday. PK
Thursday, December 13, 2012
December 30, 2012 - The Gift of Health
GM all,
Sorry about yesterday, I was battling a stomach virus. I am feeling better, especially when I don't eat. (wink)
Today we can say we all survived 12.12.12! But, it did hail at our house and that was odd. :) As the staff at church blessed me with a beautiful Kitchen Aid for my birthday, I have been baking up a storm I am attaching a new strawberry cake and cream cheese icing recipe so you could use it at your holiday parties if you like. I am still working on the icing a wee bit. May delete the greek yogurt as it made the icing be less stiff than I thought. BUT, my husband loved it. I am well pleased with the cake, but as I said, you may need to play with the icing. I apologize for using a sugar free product, but occasionally I do. I wanted the color and I wanted the jello to hold the frozen strawberries in the mixture. Hope you enjoy making this. If you do, let me know. I really need some of my recipes tested as I am working towards the book being out in February. I am working every free moment I get.
As we approach Christmas with all the beauty and majesty, let's remember that some people are smiling at the parties while crying on the inside. That was ME! Maybe our friends and families are trapped in the same prison cell we once were and don't have a clue where the key is. I remember dreading the Christmas season as I knew I would be gaining weight, smiling and partying, and slapping myself as I looked in the mirror daily. Not a happy memory, huh?
Can I recommend a gift for you and your family? What about the gift of health! Make a healthy cake and bless someone; make some sugar free whipped cream and buy a pound of coffee with a small box of truvia. You can never tell who will grab that creative, healthy gift and decide that you are their hero. And, they may make the health choice, as you have, and their family be touched. Now isn't that a cool gift? So make a healthy snack and share - you never know who's future you're affecting. As you wrap those gifts and make your family and friends smile, remember a toy may break, new clothes will wear out, but helping someone realize that eating healthy can be yummy and the holidays can be healthy is a gift that may add years to their life.
Smile and help someone today. PK
Monday, December 10, 2012
December 10, 2012 - Getting My Rain On
I pray your weekend was amazing! I am sorry this is late, I am working diligently on my recipe/devotional book and am a little tired today. :) I hope you understand.
I was thinking about the devastation that lack of water is bringing to our nation. I read somewhere that it would take 9 feet of snow in some portions of the north to even begin to help with the spring run-off needed to bring health to the land. And, as I drove to south Georgia this past Saturday to take my mom to Westville for her birthday, my attention was dragged time and time again and focused on the destitute plight of the land suffering due to a lack of water. Ponds and small lakes were dried almost completely, docks sitting on the dry ground and ugly, parched land with pitiful weeds peeked out to inform me that death was near.
I looked and wondered..........is that what our internal organs do when starved for water? Does my body shrivel and die from the inside out longing for ONE small hydration pocket. YES! Here's the bad part. Our bodies can't hydrate themselves no more than the dried and dying ponds and lakes can rain on themselves. They are totally dependent on water to arrive from an outside source. If not drinking each day causes my body to display what my eyes are beholding all around as water to the earth remains scarce, I am in trouble. Have you noticed the way the ponds and lakes around you appear? If not, take a peek. If yes, let's remember that God created our bodies with a high water content - 75% to be correct. When we fail TO WATER OUR BODIES, they become shriveled and dry and pitiful comparable to what we are experiencing around us today.
Let's change that! We cannot create rain, nor can we make the heavens release rain to the earth. BUT......we can water our bodies. We DO have control over that situation. Take a look today and ask the Lord to allow the natural pictures of the earth to remind you that watering your body changes everything. Let that REAL picture make a REAL and LASTING impression.
I'm getting my RAIN on as we speak.......how about you? PK
Friday, December 7, 2012
December 7, 2012 - Christmas Lights
Don't you love it when everyone has their Christmas lights up and the neighborhood is flooded with beautiful, colored lights that pierce through the darkness? I am such a light girl - keep the darkness - give me the light. As we were driving home last night, it was easy to spot the lights in the dark. The lights make a bold statement from deep within the trees and round about the corners they shine and bring a smile to my face. However, until they have been powered-up, they remain hidden. And, with no power or energy source, they never fulfill their purpose. I think that about us.
When we are feeling bad about ourselves and not eating healthy, we seem to want to hide. (or at least I did) I was comfy in my house, on my sofa, in my baggy clothes. Those were days when it was easier to stay in the cave and "feel good about myself" as opposed to being in a group and being slapped with the reality that I was obese and sick. I'm a realist; I'm sorry. And, one bad gathering seemed to fuel the "lie" that I would never be free. So here's where I am going with this........
We made the choice to fight for our freedom, we made some strides toward health, we made it outside and started illuminating and displaying light (which says we're connected). However, holidays come - family gatherings come - opportunities to make excuses come and sometimes we start to rationalize that it's okay to remain unplugged for a couple of weeks. Is it really????? Remember, our lights help everyone else to smile, see the truth, feel the warmth. We never can tell HOW MANY PEOPLE are really looking for the beautiful lights in "OUR YARD." (our successful escape from the prison cell of obesity) I'm certain people feel encouraged when we bring our healthy lunches as they munch on the unhealthy ones. NOT! BUT.......it does remind them that "someone" is lighting the path to health and if they choose to start down that long, often "un-lit" path, your LIGHT could be their path maker. That's way DEEP this morning. :)
Anyway, let your light shine this season. Make a stand for health and offer those who are suffering and in prison REAL HOPE that they too can "endure" holidays and enjoy the parties while eating nutritious, yummy foods. Have you ever thought of your successful, health journey as Christmas lights? :)
Bless you this day! PK
Thursday, December 6, 2012
December 6, 2012 - Great News!
Good morning to all,
Today's blog will be short as I have been studying the book and character of Philemon this morning and lost track of time. :) It caught my attention that Paul writes, "Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you have refreshed the heart of the saints." What a great thing to be said of each of us. Yes?
It is my real joy to share the doctor's report on my youngest grand daughter, Kailey. As you know in late July her blood sugar level was 19 and she had gained 17 pounds in 4 months. We were told she would either need to lose a lot of weight and modify her foods, or start insulin. WELL...............Kailey (who is 9) hooked up with Nina (me) and started following our health plan. (I do bake yummies for her every couple of weeks, cook a big, healthy meal once a week and talk her through some tough situations - but KAILEY has grabbed this and run with it. Her mom makes healthy lunches now, and Kailey is so disciplined.) It's amazing! SHE NEVER STRAYS - NEVER. And NOW she gets to do the VICTORY DANCE!
Yesterday, she went for her check-up. Since the 29th of July, she's lost and kept off 20 pounds, her blood sugar level was back to normal (although still on the high end of normal - still need to tweak a few things), and body fat ratio was significantly diminished. Again, she's NINE. Can you say proud? I am so proud of her. There were tears at times, and it does require that Teree and I cook special, shop special and buy special - but here's another life that has been rescued from insulin. Her birthday is in 2 weeks and she's asking for a sugar free cake. YES! Her health is my greatest birthday gift for this year. It brings tears to MY eyes.
So, if you have kids, they can change. Kailey even challenges me now. Sometimes I might want another piece of meat and she'll say, "no Nina, I've had enough." YEA to health. Love you, PK
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
December 5, 2012 - Be It Unto Me According To Your Word!
GM all,
Can you believe we are 3 weeks away from Christmas? I remember blogging LAST Christmas. It's really amazing how fast the 12 months go. I wonder if our days in Heaven will feel as quick??? Will there be seasons or holidays? I think I need another cup of coffee. :)
I am head long into the creation of my book which is a combination of blogs and recipes. For those who have tried my recipes, do you have favorites that you feel should be included? I am working on the nutritional content for each now, and while it's time intense, I feel it is necessary. However, would you try a recipe with no informational numbers? Some cookbooks don't list it. Is it important to you?
Let's talk about FEAR this morning. In the first chapter of Luke - three times the angel Gabrielle says, "Fear NOT." Why? Because our flesh is weak and we are very familiar with our own failure. Can I get an amen? Fear of failure, fear of man and fear of rejection live at the top of our lives MOST of our lives. But we must remember FEAR is not stronger than we are. Our plans, our resolve, our information, our trust in GOD are really more powerful than FEAR. I find that when I KNOW what's going on - I am less afraid. I find that when my resolve is steady and I have not broken trust or strayed from the path - I am stronger and less afraid that I am "returning to my old ways." How about you? Fear is real - our response is real - but if we don't respond well, it can control the outcome of our journey.
God told me once, "Courage is not the absence of fear; it's trusting me in the presence of fear." Can you imagine the fear Mary may have felt??? A baby.......a virgin.........the Holy Spirit will over shadow me............is that like sitting under a shade tree in the desert?????? And yet her response, "I am the Lord's servant. Be it unto me according to your word."
We may never UNDERSTAND fully how GOD desires us to walk in health - He purposes that - he wants us to be in health spirit, soul, and body. We are his children - he wants the BEST for each of us. MANY events are lined-up in front of me the next three weeks and sometimes I feel myself getting a little "fearful" about trying to navigate three events in one day and fuel my body WELL during this season - I refuse to let my emotions control me. Mary was basically saying, "my emotions don't understand, but my spirit will submit to your plan." That's us - we can't live by the emotions or the parties that DRIVE us to eat. No, the Holy Spirit gives us wisdom to make the right choices and follow the plan ONE DAY AT A TIME. Let's follow Mary's example this holiday season and don't let our emotions drive the train. Let's stick to the truth and submit to the Holy Spirit. When he says, "no," we say, "be it unto me according to your word."
Love you - PK
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
December 4, 2012 - The Christmas Announcement
We normally associate the announcement by Gabrielle of the birth of Christ as the Christmas Announcement. But it was so much more and so far reaching. Following the book of Malachi, God remained silent with no communication to mankind for 400 years. FOUR HUNDRED! Then, God chose to break the silence by speaking to Zechariah through the angel - "Do not be afraid, for your prayer has been answered." But Zechariah did not believe and was silenced. God turns to Mary and sends the angel - "Fear not, for you have found favor with God." But Mary's response to the announcement was quite different. She replied, "Be it unto me according to YOUR word." Mary had questions to the "how," but trusted that God was big enough. And finally, with Gabrielle's announcement to the shepherds, God not only speaks to mankind once more but ushers in a new covenant. "Fear not, for I bring you GOOD news of GREAT JOY that will be for all people." Can you stop and smile as you really connect with the phrase "and it will be for Kathy, for Paulette, for Shelly, for Laura????" WOW! Gabrielle said to all people, and that meant He was speaking our names! Double WOW! The shepherds were afraid also, but responded to the announcement and went immediately to find this JOY.
For us, Galatians 5:1 declares our freedom from the chains of past addictions, bondage, and wrong thinking. Paul makes this announcement over mankind - "It is for FREEDOM that Christ came to set us free." He didn't say, "fear not," (but I assume he wasn't eight feet tall with wings either) so maybe it was unnecessary? But sometimes we can be fearful about getting through the holidays and doing well. Yes? I am so proud of Shelly as she announced the other day, "I'm loosing weight over the holidays." Now that's a Christmas announcement, too, with no FEAR involved. Don't want until January. I have spoken with more than 10 of you who are "waiting until January." Be careful - four weeks can mean a chunk of weight. Stay on top of your plan of healthy eating and motion. I have missed water aerobics so badly that I went and signed up at the pool yesterday. (and yikes are my muscles reminding me it's been 3 months).
This Christmas I want to bring forth this reminder (A Kathy paraphrase) "Fear NOT, for behold I bring you a good message of GREAT HOPE, there is freedom for you which is found in Christ. The Holy Spirit will come and live within you and He shall assist you in making healthy choices and walking in freedom." Then we must respond. We ask for help, we rejoice that we are stronger than obesity, and we declare that we "stand firm, then, and will no longer allow ourselves to be burdened for the 100th time WITH A YOKE OF SLAVERY." (Gal 5:1)
Enjoy Christmas, love your family, go to ALL the parties, and take your food. FEAR NOT! PK
Monday, December 3, 2012
December 3, 2012
As I sit here this morning beginning to write, the sun is flooding into my dining room window, There's something about light. The morning light breaking through the darkness signals a new start, a new chance, and a new day. That big, booming stream of light announces.......... "NEW!" I don't know how you feel, but during the morning light I seem to feel such peace. The light calms my spirit and really says, "it's ok." I love to look at the morning light and smile - it illuminates without the blistering heat of the midday. There are so many biblical directions here for us. Maybe the sunlight this morning needs to remind us that God is not mad at us and sends LIGHT to ILLUMINATE our PATH out of the CELL of DARKNESS that can sometimes cloak us so rapidly.
I gotta confess, I've been wrestling with some things in my heart lately - not sin issues, but issues involving a fight with the evil one for joy in people that I care about. There is a time to rest and a time of war - I am fighting for some friends and sometimes feel like I've been cloaked with darkness. Ever experienced that? BUT THIS MORNING, the light just reminds me that God illuminates the whole earth and when HE ILLUMINATES the path, there's a way out. I don't know the way sometimes, but HE ALWAYS DOES! I am comforted by that! I know that even in providing us with a plan for nutrition for our bodies - and there are several, correct plans based on body types - there is the underlying truth that HEALTH is our objective as opposed to appearance. YES? If appearance is the main objective, it changes as do the seasons. BUT our health must remain if we are to bear fruit in our golden years. The following verse of scripture jumped out at me this morning:
Luke 1:78-79 "Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, 79to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace.” Don't you love that? So, let's remember that the place of PEACE is not wrestling with the way we look, but being healthy. Continue to fight for that revelation and let's ask God to always keep illuminating the path to our BEST HEALTH. NOW......if our best health means the single digit jeans, "bring it on!" :)
Smiling as I think of you this morning, PK
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