Enjoy your morning coffee and "chat" with Kathy about all aspects of life especially as it relates to being healthy. Using God's Word to illuminate truth is the major focus of this morning blog. This blog only posts Monday-Friday.
Friday, November 30, 2012
November 30, 2012 - NO OBLIGATION!
Good morning everyone and happy Friday! I love mornings while I have my Christmas Tree up.......I love to read my Bible, drink coffee and look at the lights. I guess the little girl in me lives on. :)
I am a firm believer that the journey of our day and the journey of our health has A LOT to do with our attitude toward it. So many live their lives with such a lackadaisical attitude that never compels them to STOP SETTLING FOR AVERAGE. We know the routine, don't we? Successfully shed a few pounds, keep it off until the next feeding frenzy and cave. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Maybe you never did this - but if you find my picture in the dictionary, you'll find this. And rather than admit I was undisciplined, I blamed this cycle on my body. "Some people got the 'skinny gene' and I am destined to be fluffy," was a regular retort. (my close friends are saying, "we've heard that.")
My attitude said FAILURE.......My actions created FAILURE.......My heart cried over FAILURE. I had finally come into agreement with my flesh that this was my "plight" in life - this was the "best it could be." However, one day in total desperation, I decided I WANT TO LIVE. I want to speak to you again - quit settling. Don't make a PATH of eating and drinking until January and then "try again." Do you realize that by January you could gain 15 pounds? YIKES! We CAN eat, drink and walk in health. We CAN enjoy the holidays (I made a yummy yellow cake with fudge icing that's under 200 calories per serving the other day). We CAN arrive at January 1st HEALTHIER than last year. But our attitude has to be adjusted and we have to realize that our flesh is always at war with our spirit.
Our flesh LOVES it's own way, can make us think "this one, little bite can't hurt," and "life is short - you need to enjoy eating what you want - you deserve it." The only problem with that is our spirit is being bombarded with an attitude of death. The scripture says in, Romans 8:12"Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, you have no obligation to do what your sinful nature urges you to do. 13For if you live by its dictates, you will die." I mean really????? How about this holiday season we determine that we owe our flesh NO OBLIGATION and therefore we are FREE to choose HEALTH instead of DEATH? Anyone with me? I am looking at this flesh TODAY, as I have a party tonight, and saying, "I owe you no obligation........you will not be overfed, you will not be fed inappropriately, you will not be allowed to dictate to ME, "what I "want is what I need."
This is WAR! We WIN! Have a great weekend, PK
Thursday, November 29, 2012
November 29, 2012 - That Three-stranded Cord
Good morning,
As I was reading this morning in Ephesians, this jumped out at me:
Ecclesiastes 4:12 "a person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."
I KNOW how critical being in a group and having someone as an accountability partner is to my health journey. You have been my accountability group for almost 2 years. But what about this new twist? What if the three-stranded cord is us, the scale, and our blood reports several times a year? I LIKE that! None of us really wants to be the one to announce, "you've gained a couple of pounds." Right? How rude! We'll do the GOOD friend stuff.........bring you some water, make a salad to share, comment when you look "thin," but the REAL truth tellers are in the scale and in the blood work. Let me remind everyone that EVEN our clothes don't tell the whole truth, as you can gain 10 pounds without moving beyond your size. YIKES.
But the scale - DUDE - never lies and the blood report - NEVER lies. So, as we think about being a strong cord on this health journey - it's us, the scale, the blood report. YEP - that's accountability and truth. And, I can always do better with the truth than a lie. Come clean, lay the cards on the table - let me deal with the TRUTH. How about you?
Have an amazing day!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
November 28, 2012 - Are We There Yet?
Let me begin by saying THANKS to all of you who took the time to comment yesterday. It certainly helped to give me some clear direction. :) I appreciate you.
When we think about this journey here on earth, sometimes we can feel tortured because we didn't get the metabolism that can "eat anything," or the "skinny genes." Yes? And maybe you were never TORTURED by this - I was! I spent a lot of my time being jealous of "skinny" people and making comments about the "fat me." But the Bible talks about the things we endure here as LIGHT affliction. You know what that says to me.......there are bigger things, eternal things, God things that are WAY more important than my being skinny.
I met with someone yesterday who just came back from a foreign country who spent time working with an organization who fights children being sold, by their parents often, into the sex industry so that the parents can pay their bills. It really grabbed my heart. As I have pondered on our meeting I am thinking, "I felt "tortured" by looking at skinny people and these babies are REALLY tortured." I have mis-aligned my focus.
I want us to embrace health, but not be consumed or tortured by our appearance. God DOES care about our health! He also cares about people who are suffering for other reasons. Lets's do what's right and follow our health plan, realize that denying ourselves could be LIGHT affliction, but let's not be captured by our own poor self-image at the expense of others. I like to look good and feel good, I do. But after yesterday I am REALY convinced that the greatest reason to be healthy is so this body can fulfill my God assignments. Yes, I am preaching. :) Are we there yet? (wink)
Have an awesome day! PK
Monday, November 26, 2012
November 26, 2012 - The TRUTH is the TRUTH
Yea, it's Monday again and we are officially into the Christmas season!
I hope you did the victory dance on Thursday as I did. Doesn't it feel good to really be able to enjoy a holiday meal and know you had options? The chocolate cake and fudge icing I made is a definite KEEPER, but I have to get it typed and tweaked a wee bit. Also, the scalloped jicama is SO amazing. It is some work, and it is laden with cheese and ham, but for an occasional side dish for something special - A HIT! I will also get that recipe out soon. Got any recipes to share? Hey Shelly, hit us up with the pumpkin, whipped dessert recipe. Mackenzie asked me about it. :)
I did receive a note from one of our members, Wendi, on Friday reminding us BOTH that while our food may have been legal, over indulging only reminds our stomachs they have the capacity to stretch, hold more food, BEG to be fed, and nag at us with strong hunger pains. That is so annoying to me. So yes, we can be legal but we must use restraint too. She gave me permission to share her comments in response to my blog:
That is excellent. I overate:( not anything bad just ate too much. I too was very busy but just caved to eating more than I should. No condemnation, just repent and choose better today, minute by minute.
We can and do stretch our stomachs even when eating good foods which will make us hungry. I think that is important to remember. Every time we eat more than necessary it stretches our stomachs and if we continue to do this our stomachs will require more food than what our bodies actually need. Yep, good learning points. I don't feel like a failure, but I do wish I had done better.
I wasn't actually going to eat much because of being so busy but I kept listening to someone ask me if I was going to eat. Normally I wouldn't have listened but for some reason I did. So I filled my plate with delicious yummy food. Too much. Yep I ate it all and then continued to eat the rest of the day.
Here's the thing, I forgot to have a plan. I usually go in with a plan for eating whether it is eating out, at home or a holiday meal. I just didn't take the necessary precautions I needed. I will be more aware and do it next time and tomorrow as well. I have been sticking to my eating plan today and that is called, recovery and VICTORY!
Isn't that a great reminder to us all as we have crammed schedules and holiday meals ALL STINKIN' MONTH? :) LOVE IT! So, let's not have our stomachs or our undisciplined lives win. BUT.......glad to see my Wendi girl has the right response. Make a plan and stick with it.
Have you discovered that being tired and busy causes you to grab "whatever?" I have! I went through a three week period just recently where I lived at work more than home and was chasing my tail. I had no time to shop or cook - so store bought salads and nuts were my choice. Often, I went without hydration all day as I "never stopped" during the day to sit down. BAD GIRL! And, I kept thinking, "I'm probably loosing some weight here as I am so busy." Reality - I gained a few pounds. 2 weeks ago - back to the store, back in the kitchen, back to the plan.......
God knows what our bodies need, he provided it, the world provides something different and we have a choice. Amen. :)
I will be sharing a new avocado recipe tomorrow - tune it. Choose well this day, PK
Thursday, November 22, 2012
November 22, 2012 - Choices
Happy Thanksgiving FAM,
Just a quick blog as the day is full. My heart is that TODAY we would choose well, eat healthy and rejoice at the end of the night because we DID IT! My Thanksgiving meal is a combined healthy and traditional approach. I worked hard to offer the choices. I made a baked turkey, HCG dressing, green beans, scalloped jicama, and a sugar free/starch free chocolate cake with fudge icing so that I COULD eat without being mad at MYSELF tonight. Do you ever do that? I will say, however, the jicama casserole is fat laden, but everything else is really low fat also. :)
Choose well today friends and let's not be discouraged tonight. Also, remember that food will be here tomorrow. (wink) I was always notorious for eating "as if there were NO tomorrow." I have always said "I got the appetite of a man" - NOT SO! I was undisciplined. As my friend Shelly says, "true that."
Love, love you all. Victory dance tonight? You bet! PK
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
November 21, 2012 - Let God PIck Your Clothes!
GM to you all,
I pray this morning that you feel "chased down and over taken" by the Spirit of the Lord! I know that God has great plans for each of us to do good by us and never harm us. That is a GREAT reason to give thanks this day.
This morning I was thinking about how we clothe ourselves differently depending on seasons, activity, the way we feel about our body, etc. But God's Word in Psalm 3:3 teaches that God is the shield around us. I immediately thought of Him being my clothing. When He is the shield wrapped around me - my clothing choices are often below par. How about you???? He clothed Adam and Eve in the garden when their choice for clothing wasn't a great choice. They were hiding and ashamed. Sometimes when we have a bad day on our journey, we want to hide and are ashamed that we failed. We can become discouraged to the point of giving up. But the Psalm concludes by saying, "He is the glory and lifter of our head." I realize TOTALLY that we have a real choice in our health journey, but I also realize that God ALWAYS desires to clothe us with His Spirit regardless of what we weigh or how we see ourselves. We must do our part and the Holy Spirit is always ready to give us strength when we are weak, lift our heads when we feel we are trapped in this body of flesh!
Be encouraged this day, fam. God has your clothes picked out........wear them well. Off to the dentist. PK
PS - if any of you make the HCG dressing for tomorrow, get me some feedback please. Trying to taste test my recipes for the cookbook.
Monday, November 19, 2012
November 19, 2012 - Psalm 139
Good morning to you all,
As I reread Psalm 139 again this morning, I was reminded how CLEARLY God knows me - my intent, thoughts, actions. Sometimes we don't really know why we do certain things. I don't........but God does. For a moment I thought, "does God know/care if I'm tempted to deviate from my health journey?" Stupid question - YES! And, he cares that we choose life and health as our daily portion. He really does. What father would want their child to fall into a trap when they KNOW the trap is just ahead. I wrote this morning, "Eating healthy is our choice. The consequences of choosing to NOT eat healthy is NOT our choice." God's heart is for us to make wise choices and do what's right.
I watched Mary Murphy this weekend, one of the judges in the television show So You Think You Can Dance, being interviewed by Marie Osmond. She has been battling thyroid cancer. Marie was asking about treatment and she said it was all pretty straight forward but one of the hardest things for her, and I quote, "I'm trying, but not doing too good, in deleting sugar from my diet." REALLY? Another person linking sugar and cancer. Yikes! But I could totally relate to her frustration - we understand don't we? I know how hard it is to delete certain things and really make peace that they may never be a part of my life again.
BUT..........if you know a deadly trap is ahead SOMEWHERE in the next 12 feet, wouldn't you be on high alert? I would. More and more and more evidence is emerging that supports that our fight for health is spot on. It's not just about feeling and looking better; it's about trying to avoid diseases whose intent is to remain nameless until they have conquered our cells and caused them to act rebelliously. I praise God that He knows I am an information junkie and "the more I know, the better I do." AND, God continues to put me in places to see and hear TRUTH that establishes convictions deep within. I NEVER watch Marie Osmond......I don't read medical reports. But God continues to place me on a path of uncovering because He KNOWS ME THAT WELL! PRAISE HIM!
So this morning, let's give thanks that Psalm 139 proves that God knows and God cares! Keep your eyes open and listen carefully - God is illuminating our path. PK
Friday, November 16, 2012
November 16, 2012 - Thank the Lord
Happy Friday to you all,
I am sorry I couldn't blog yesterday as I had issues with ATT, which affected my computer and phone. MY husband spent over 2 hours with their reps by phone to solve the problem. UGH! It seems that monthly I am having communication issues.......too much of a pattern to be coincidence I think - but who knows, could really be random. But anyway - everything is back up. :)
As we approach this BIG 30 day window of parties and food prep, let's thank the LORD for several things:
1. HIS help to bring restraining discipline when we want to "taste" someone's BEST cookie recipe.
2. HIS provision of healthy choices for us. I wonder sometimes if it's easier to bless our meal when it's unhealthy? :) Just asking? When it's what we "want" to eat as opposed to fish, which is rich in Omega 3's, is it easier to rejoice and be grateful?
3. HIS desire for us to walk in health and not our own motivation to be skinny so we can look like someone we "want to be." Remember Psalm 139.
4. HIS creativity in the kitchen as we create recipes that are healthy, hearty, and yummy!
5. HIS provision to purchase healthy foods, as they tend to be more expensive.
6. HIS blinders which prevent us from accessing the "fast food joints" and allow us to head home for some lean protein and veggies.
7. HIS taste for apples daily that provide fiber and help lower our cholesterol.
8. HIS wisdom in all areas of our health journey.
These are just a few of the areas that came to my heart this morning. Let's confess these truths for the next 30 days and allow TRUTH to encourage us. HIS ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts higher than ours. He is seated in a place far above and can see things we cannot. So, let's take HIS perspective and allow it to bring success to us in this upcoming month. Remember, food is about REFUELING. It's not or source of pleasure - God is!
Choose life these next 30 days - AND EAT TO LIVE! PK
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
November 14, 2012 - Look on the Bright Side
GM friends,
Our journeys have a lot to do with how we view life. Yes? And, how many of you know that so often we allow our circumstances to cloud the truth about God's plan for our lives. I am amazed at how many times gaining weight or failing to drink all my water GRABS my attitude. How about you? We try to smile and enjoy life but the constant voice of failure, buried deep in our mind, brings its colored influence to the table. Then, SOMETIMES, (let's be honest) our attitudes and daily encounters can be affected......people see our moods and attach their assessment . However, many times it's our own intense battle for success that dictates the face they "see" daily.
I hear from so many of you as to how this day to day battle for health affects everything. I understand! You are not alone. Often the enemy of our soul wants people to embrace the lie that they are the ONLY one struggling. If we were honest - EVERY day has its OWN struggles. That's why Jesus told us not to worry about tomorrow - today has its own issues - let's not battle 2 days at a time! HOWEVER, our response to the internal struggle doesn't need to be reflected in our mood. Our families don't need to bear the brunt of our bark which really says, "I'm hurting." Sometimes when we respond in a negative manner - and IF we are honest, we must admit we do this more than we should - we MUST grab that attitude, that face, that bark and sit back and let God's word recalibrate our hearts and minds. Yes, our health is important, but sometimes it becomes the "drive." NO, no.......God's Word and His love has to be driving force in our journey!
God's word brings a smile to my heart and a joy like none other. How about you? I picked a scripture today to share that made me smile. I like starting the day with a smile and I plan to remind myself of this verse ANY TIME I am tempted to allow life's journey to draw me away from this internal pocket of joy.
Isaiah 30:18
Amplified Bible (AMP)
18 And therefore the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting, looking, and longing] to be gracious to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show loving-kindness to you. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are all those who [earnestly] wait for Him, who expect andlook and long for Him [for His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy, and His matchless, unbroken companionship]!(A)
God expects, looks and longs to be gracious to EACH of us. That's worth a smile. Yes? So today, when you are tempted to see your failures, SEE this verse and choose to look on the bright side. Keep saying the second half of the verse and smile - "that's me. I am happy, fortunate and to be envied because THIS DAY I earnestly wait for God and expect and look and long for HIS JOY, HIS FAVOR, HIS LOVE, HIS PEACE, HIS MATCHLESS, UNBROKEN COMPANIONSHIP." AMEN!!!
Smile today! PK
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
November 13, 2012 - Thanks!
GM all,
I am so excited to be sitting in Brentwood, Tn right outside Nashville this morning looking at a thick layer of frost on the car - THICK! It really feels like winter here. I made some God connections yesterday and will wait to see what doors God opens. I have told him for years, "I'm available." Having said that - God has always held me to my word. He has moved me and done things in my life I never imagined. I always tell people, "if you're available to God, you can count on the ride of your life." Sometimes those changes were not easy, but I know God shifted me as He needed to. My heart is always to please him.
I thought about this morning the EXTREME value of being in a group who are walking the same path, understanding the day to day issues that challenge each of us, and knowing that we are better TOGETHER. I don't tell you enough - THANKS! Thanks for being my friends and helping me choose health when my whole life I have aways lost my way SOMEWHERE. Thanks for sharing your recipes and insight with a girl who gets bored easily and always looks for the "next thing." Thanks for the hugs, smiles, and "gritting teeth" experiences we have shared. God knew I needed a group in order to experience life-long success and He sent me you. Thank you, God!
Now, as we are planning our FAMILY dinners for next week let's challenge each other. Have we planned foods that are healthy, foods that taste good, foods that will allow us to enjoy the holidays WITHOUT GUILT? God doesn't want us to be guilty. Jesus came to bring freedom to our lives. Remember Galatians 5:1??? Let's refresh our hearts and make that declaration as we approach next week. Don't plan to cheat - plan to eat healthy. Don't plan to fail - create a great plan that excludes the possibility of failure. Don't allow family to coax you into a place of compromise - know what you believe and have YOUR healthy options close. (even in the movie theatre)
Love to you all - heading off the mountain soon. Gotta run, PK
Monday, November 12, 2012
Thank You to the Veterans
This weekend was filled with "giving honor where honor is due." Many men and women have boldly defended the freedoms that sometimes I take for granted. (I repent!) As we had our veterans stand yesterday in church so the congregation could honor them, I felt a real tugging on my heart and a sense of honor. I was proud of their accomplishments and sacrifice. I doubt I will ever fully comprehend their journey, but I am proud that I live in a country where they were willing to take a risk for me and so many others they would never know. There is really something to fighting for freedom.
I would imagine in non-war times the preparations for war are not AS intense, but our military still prepares - there's combat simulations, PT, and all the educational experiences to become proficient with the latest technology. While war may not be occurring, the threat is always a reality. For us on our health journey, this should serve as a reminder that we must always remain alert and be prepared. Sometimes internal weaknesses in our bodies can lay quietly for years without our attention. Poor diet, lack of exercise and improper rest can actually be aiding the illness in its silent development. Then, at a most inopportune time, the "enemy" surfaces - like a military submarine under the water lurking. Our response is often fear - and rightly so. All creation houses a desire for LIFE. I don't know TOOOOO many people, or animals, that when confronted with death give up without a struggle. A desire to live resides within us all. But again, when the submarine emerges and we are unprepared, our options may be limited.
I like the proactive approach - how about you? We KNOW that food and water, exercise and rest are our best weapons against poor health. We KNOW that; however, sometimes we forget or we get tired of doing what is right. For our military, I am certain PT at 5:30am (without being at war) is not pleasant - but being physically fit at the exact moment needed IS! The submarine of disease is always lurking, but we have our own weapons and victory strategy. Let's stay on top of being physically fit and remember - preparing for a battle with the enemy standing over you is too late. The outcome of that encounter requires a miracle. Yes, we KNOW a miracle maker, but let's do our part to always be prepared.
Have an amazing day, PK
Thursday, November 8, 2012
November 8, 2012 - The Smell of Victory
I have been thinking about Thanksgiving morning and my favorite part: the smell of Tom Turkey baking in the oven. To me, there are not many scents that fill the entire house - every inch - and are proud of it. When I think of that scent, I immediately travel to past years of family mornings of watching the Parade by the fire - and that scent; of setting the table with baby turkeys and pumpkins - and that scent; of watching my father carve the bird delicately collecting the skin that we fought over as children - AND THAT SCENT!
I was thinking about how powerful that fragrance and ALL the memories that flood my soul are. They are so real to me, and yet fifty years old. Sometimes I will make a turkey breast and I am convinced that I JUST NEED THE SMELL. There are places in our lives where we experienced JOY, family, happy memories, peace. Where is that for you? That's my happy place. Along our freedom journey, there are going to be times when giving up may seem easy. Returning to the prison of obesity may seem to be the only "easy" thing to do. When you have those days, can you find a place, a scent and family tradition (not related to food) that brings a smile and releases some endorphins? Sometimes we must remember the good and the victorious spots and we must encourage OURSELVES that life is GOOD. Negativity and failure seem to suck the LIFE from our will to be free. Then, the excuses begin to flow. I challenge each of us to be real - there will be bumps, daily, but as long as we continue to do what's right in the face of wrong options.........we win.
God told Cain that sin was crouching at the door, but he simply needed to do what was right. I like to remind people that making excuses for weaknesses means you get to keep them. ALL of us have temptations and weaknesses, but our response on a consistent basis, is the real hope. SOMETIMES, when I am weak, it's critical that I stop and remind myself that I have experienced victory on many occasions. I go to my "happy place" and gain strength. Sometimes we need to light a candle that reminds us of Christmas morning and smile. Life throws hard things and we can get consumed. Stop and find the thing that makes you smile and remember the good - stop focusing on the failure. Put the cookie down and grab and apple. Burn the candle and make a new sensation connection. Our minds and memories are amazing.
I challenge you today, no matter where you are on your journey, find the victory slots and smile. The releasing of endorphins will help you feel good about yourself and that is usually enough of the boost we need to drink another 8 and eat the apple. wink
Choose life this day and eat to live, PK
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
November 7, 2012 - SEED-TIME-AND -HARVEST
Just a follow-up to yesterday's blog (if you didn't read it yet - probably should read it first):
I wanted to point out that once a seed has been planted (you make a commitment to follow a healthy eating plan) you must nurture that seed as it's roots FIGHT for their space in the ground - in uncharted territory in the hopes of producing fruit. (evidence that the TRUTH has taken root) Just because we "desire" to loose weight, doesn't mean we really will do whatever it takes to be healthy. Right? If our REAL heart is to be healthy, then we will do whatever to protect the seed (the new plan) and eliminate as many variables of opposition as possible. SO hard isn't it????
Yes.........there are the storms of life that come to uproot the seed and pull us away from the goal of positive life change! And it is hard, BUT IF WE ARE CONSISTENT AND PATIENT, and if we stick with the plan long enough against all odds, there is a GREAT chance that a harvest of life will come. A seed (a new life style) is placed in a cold, dark environment and then fights to push it's roots down into the soil DEEP enough to sustain the ability to produce life-giving fruit. I am sure the little seed struggles - wants to quit - fails on occasion........BUT, eventually fights for it's purpose and in time produces a harvest.
That's us! We must realize the work it takes to produce a life change. It doesn't happen overnight nor without opposition, but if we keep PRESSING and reaching into a DEEP place within our resolve, it can happen. We talked at work yesterday - NO DIET - ONLY REAL Life Change.
So keep allowing this life-change journey to take REAL hold of your heart and mind. Embrace the concept that it's NO LONGER a seed, but a real change and you cannot keep changing seeds. (seeds=every new fad under the sun) Eating healthy has it's challenges but in the long run, over coming those obstacles produces a beautiful, colorful "life" that gives life to others. Hope you see the analogy this morning.
Gotta run - loving you........PK
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
November 6, 2012 - Tune Your Ears.
I have been especially stirred of late as several of you have contacted me with a "cry from your heart" that somewhere you opened a door or gave over to temptation and have gained a lot, if not most, of your weight back. I totally understand - been there and done that! We must be reminded that Satan desires to sift us (test, test, and test again) to break us down and eventually have his way. Do any of you remember baking with your grandmothers? My Nanny had a sifter and we would place flour in there and sift it sometimes 3-4 times so that it was broken down into fine pieces and she could make it do as she wished. Get that picture in your mind. Remember the Bible teaches that satan comes only but to kill, steal, and destroy. He has the same agenda every day and never grows weary of the plan - back into the sifter we go.
For me, my weight was such a HUGE component through which I filtered everything. Not being able to zip my pants = a bad day. Gaining 6 pounds in one month = a bad month. Looking at the fatness of my face in photos = a look at failure and a stab in my heart AGAIN. Anybody been there? I totally understand your frustration and still face that myself on occasion. Let me encourage you, as I told someone last week, CONGRATULATIONS for reaching out to someone and admitting you've gained weight. I always tried to hide and make jokes about being a failure. It became easier to laugh at obesity than try ONE MORE TIME to conquer it! I HEAR you..........but my heart wants to bring you hope. Let's ask God where the breech is and let's repair that. We need to determine why you gained weight and fix that issue. Is it sugar? Is it lack of prep? Is it boredom? Is it an issue with saying "no"? These are fixable issues. I promise.
Proverbs 2 holds the key I believe:
The Benefits of Wisdom
1 My child,* listen to what I say,
and treasure my commands.
2 Tune your ears to wisdom,
and concentrate on understanding.
3 Cry out for insight,
and ask for understanding.
4 Search for them as you would for silver;
seek them like hidden treasures.
5 Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord,
and you will gain knowledge of God.
6 For the Lord grants wisdom!
From his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
7 He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest.
He is a shield to those who walk with integrity.
8 He guards the paths of the just
and protects those who are faithful to him.
9 Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair,
and you will find the right way to go.
10 For wisdom will enter your heart,
and knowledge will fill you with joy.
11 Wise choices will watch over you.
Understanding will keep you safe.
Here's what the Lord showed me this morning - some have their stations on the wrong frequency. Tune your ears back to the truth! Somewhere along the way, the "truth frequencies" got bumped, stifled, confused, whatever.......YOU MUST TUNE IT BACK. Ever been in a car where it's not "quite" on the station - close but not quite? Sometimes we can find ourselves there - close but not really. We KNOW WHAT TO DO, but sometimes another frequency (voice) questions our truth and unless we become so fixed on the TRUTH - we question it ourselves! Then, when we begin to gain weight it's a truth check. We must TUNE OUR EARS back to wisdom. I don't believe it's a one time event either.......sorry. And the word YOU means no one can do that but us. :)
So, as we enter the holiday gauntlet, let's tune our ears to truth and remember food is simply for refueling. Don't make it more than it is! Look at verse 10 above - when wisdom is TUNED back into our heart (follow the plan) then knowledge (truth) will fill us with JOY. Is a piece of chocolate cake worth the feeling of failure the day after? Tune your ears to wisdom that says healthy foods will give you long life and chocolate cake will steal it. That's JOY. Are you tuned in? PK
Monday, November 5, 2012
November 5, 2012 - Keep It Simple
Good morning to you all,
I am resting from a LONG couple of months - pjs on, coffee cup warm, and movies about to start. I need to REST my brain. Do you ever need to REST your brain??? If not, pray for me, it could be my age. (wink)
Last night's Life Group was amazing - we won't meet again until January! Linda wowed us with several salads, some baked pears and a little chocolate ball made with chia flour. YUM! Linda, we're gonna be like you when we grow up. We also had breakfast frittatas and cheesy garlic biscuits for Christmas breakfast and a yummy dessert pizza. Hope in January some of your schedules will open up and you can join us once a month with a dish and a smile. :)
I was reminded last night, as we were discussing alternatives for sweets at Christmas parties, that we cannot over eat simply because what we eat is healthy. We also have to remember that portion size helps the scale to be "our friend" during the morning weigh-ins. Yes? But most importantly, we have to remember that processed foods contain things we cannot pronounce and probably have no idea what they do in our bodies. Pricilla said last night, "so, I guess I'm gonna have to cook." YEP - that's really a major component in this journey. I know that those of us who work are pressed for time, but simple meals work - they really do. Life Group is our time to explore fun foods for weekends and events, but the day-to-day eating regimen can be very simple. I like to cook 6-8 pieces of chicken, 6 turkey patties (or whatever meat is on sale that's lean), and veggies, as well as cut up various vegetables once a week and get them in baggies for my lunch and dinners. I can always add a fruit or steam another veggie and be really happy. If I'm lighting the grill, I'm loading the grill! After my movie I am making clam sauce to go on top of my spaghetti squash and I will top with some fresh grated parmesan reggiano cheese. Yum, yum, and yum!
Are you struggling with keeping things simple? Being healthy is about refueling not grueling hours of prep. Let your natural foods provide the nutrition and you provide some creativity and wow - amazing combo. Now that's a recipe for success. I would encourage you to stray from so many products that are processed and choose whole foods as often as possible. Peel and eat - SIMPLE!
Talk again tomorrow - going to peel some jicama and follow my own advise. :) PK
Thursday, November 1, 2012
November 1, 2012 - It Takes Time
Okay, we cleared one hurdle - got through Halloween. How did you do? Did you get through the day sugar free? :) If not, today is a new day in a new month. Ask God to show you the balance needed. Perhaps you can have sugar and starch in limited amounts. That is awesome! Each of us knows where our triggers are and each of us should be using regular blood tests to determine the internal health of our bodies. Gotta remember, just because your clothes fit doesn't mean you're the healthiest you can be. People who are skinny can have high cholesterol. Right? Being healthy is composed of several elements and zipping our jeans is only one of those. wink
I was thinking about how busy our lives get and sometimes I wonder if people are not healthy because it takes TIME TO BE HEALTHY. I wish it didn't, but it does. Someone asked me last night about this and all I know to say is I was desperate to live. (sometimes I sound like my Iphone on repeat) I think people really expected that within a few months I would be back at the obese stage again. I can understand why they would think that. But as I have started to really LIVE this life, not because of HCG or loosing weight, but out of a real love for health, I realized that one component is critical in the success of this journey...........TIME.
It takes TIME to shop and find the healthiest foods, as well as TIME to explore different things so we don't get bored with the eating plan. (a 100 calorie snack bar is easy - full of sugar and processed flour, but easy) It takes TIME to stop and drink water all day. It takes TIME to prepare and cook real foods. It takes TIME at a restaurant to examine the menu, ask for modifications, and choose the healthy items. It takes TIME to go for a walk. Come on........this JOURNEY takes TIME. But let me remind us.........we make TIME for the things important to us. I spend hours on Sunday and Monday preparing foods for lunches and quick-fix dinners after a long day at work. I try at least once a week to prepare something special for my grand daughter who will be 10 soon and has lost over 20 pounds recently choosing to eat healthy. This takes TIME - it would be easier to buy a bucket of candy. But the candy would lead her back to a place of being diabetic, so I'll give my TIME to assist in her journey.
The moral of this morning's blog - being healthy DOES TAKE TIME - but you and I are SOOOO worth it. Where can you take some time from another venture that is not going to allow you to live a full and healthy life? Maybe take one television show a week - perhaps and hour - and give that to your HEALTH. Pull out some of the recipes from Life Group and make those, freeze some and do something wonderful for YOU. I watch some TV too, but not before I prepare my foods and invest my TIME in the future of my health.
Have an awesome day! PK
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