Monday, November 12, 2012

Thank You to the Veterans

This weekend was filled with "giving honor where honor is due." Many men and women have boldly defended the freedoms that sometimes I take for granted. (I repent!) As we had our veterans stand yesterday in church so the congregation could honor them, I felt a real tugging on my heart and a sense of honor. I was proud of their accomplishments and sacrifice. I doubt I will ever fully comprehend their journey, but I am proud that I live in a country where they were willing to take a risk for me and so many others they would never know. There is really something to fighting for freedom. I would imagine in non-war times the preparations for war are not AS intense, but our military still prepares - there's combat simulations, PT, and all the educational experiences to become proficient with the latest technology. While war may not be occurring, the threat is always a reality. For us on our health journey, this should serve as a reminder that we must always remain alert and be prepared. Sometimes internal weaknesses in our bodies can lay quietly for years without our attention. Poor diet, lack of exercise and improper rest can actually be aiding the illness in its silent development. Then, at a most inopportune time, the "enemy" surfaces - like a military submarine under the water lurking. Our response is often fear - and rightly so. All creation houses a desire for LIFE. I don't know TOOOOO many people, or animals, that when confronted with death give up without a struggle. A desire to live resides within us all. But again, when the submarine emerges and we are unprepared, our options may be limited. I like the proactive approach - how about you? We KNOW that food and water, exercise and rest are our best weapons against poor health. We KNOW that; however, sometimes we forget or we get tired of doing what is right. For our military, I am certain PT at 5:30am (without being at war) is not pleasant - but being physically fit at the exact moment needed IS! The submarine of disease is always lurking, but we have our own weapons and victory strategy. Let's stay on top of being physically fit and remember - preparing for a battle with the enemy standing over you is too late. The outcome of that encounter requires a miracle. Yes, we KNOW a miracle maker, but let's do our part to always be prepared. Have an amazing day, PK

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