Monday, August 12, 2013

August 12, 2013 - The Hummingbird Perspective

What a great start to a great week - spending time visiting with friends. I look forward to touching base with you daily. I hope you enjoy reading my blogs. If at any time you don't, let me know and I will change your status. No hurt feelings. I have heard so many comment over the weekend as to how our perspective and our confession affects so much of our lives. And that is true. However, I am certainly NOT advocating that everything we claim happens will happen. I know that God, who is a loving Father, watches over our crazy statements. Say amen. It's like a child who wants to only eat chocolate - a good father would never allow it. Nor does our health allow it. We can claim all day long that "chocolate is a good and perfect gift and that the milk is a good source of calcium and the cocoa has been proven to be a powerful purifier of the blood," but that doesn't make eating chocolate as our main, daily staple a great health plan. Sorry, but that was a good dream. :) We can claim that we are healthy and confess the goodness of health all day but if we are not feeding our bodies food in alignment with that confession, we are simply wasting our breath. How do I know these truths??? I have stood in the bathroom and confessed them only to journey to the closet and be unable to zip my pants. Battling for our health is a daily journey and those who see (perspective) their quality of life as being affected by this journey are usually those who commit to the journey long-term. Our health cannot be seasonal like our shoes. OUCH! I have been studying the hummingbird feeder as of late. About this time the hummingbirds start fighting over the food. This is serious business for them! They swarm and chatter at each other and fight for their spots on the feeder. Their time of departure is near and only those who "fuel their bodies properly" will endure the long flight over the water to the winter destination. Proper nutrition, for them, means life or death and I tell you - they fight for LIFE. As their activity is increasing, I have always studied those stubborn guys who zoom down and scare the others away in order to secure THEIR food. It appears their mothers never made them share their toys. :) At first I was angry that they were so aggressive. However, I have come to applaud their diligence to live. Can I encourage you this day to view your health with such passion and conviction? Each of us has a personal journey and it is critical for us to be determined that no obstacle will keep us from proper nutrition and a chance to live. I feel that hummingbird spirit rising up. You? Choose life and eat to live! PK

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