Monday, June 24, 2013

June 24, 2013 - Baking Soda

As you know I love outdoor revelation concerning indoor insight. What that really means is I use the pictures God shows me in the realm of nature to speak to my spirit. As I am a visual learner, I appreciate the fact God allows me to see what I might be "a wee bit slow" to understand. Let's talk today about neutralization. Most of you know from basic science that a pH of 7 is at neutral standing with the range falling between 0 and 14. While we may all understand that too much acid is extremely harmful, so is too much base (extreme neutralization). God has a perfect plan for our bodies and the more we follow His plan closely, the more our bodies smile as they remain in that area hovering around the pH of 7. Let me stop and comment that 7 is the number of completion and perfection and that God is in control of scientists and how they assign numbers. Yes, he is! We can see from this diagram the wide range of things we ingest in our bodies and where they fall on the scale. What's critical is that our blood has a "close to perfect" pH of 7.4 and when THAT range is exceeded, above or below, the consequences are often fatal. I am reminded that the LIFE is in the blood. A couple of days ago, my husband "remembered" he read that baking soda would "sweeten" the soil of our plants if added to them. What we discovered was something totally different. On every plant without fail, where he simply poured the plain, un-dissolved baking soda, the plant is dying. Although baking soda is a weak base, it does neutralize both acids and bases and can disrupt the natural flow of either. What am I saying? Let's be mindful of simply adding anything new to our bodies without really checking them out. I selected a bottle of water the other day at the store with "natural flavors" only to discover that I could not pronounce any of them. Furthermore, I really had no clue as to what they do inside the body. SO......I put it back. I chose to go home and make a gallon of natural tea and add some mint, that I grew, and fill my body with that. We must be careful to not assume that all water is the same. While baking soda is LOVELY in my almond flour muffins and is a WEAK base, my plants responded in an UNHAPPY manner. I walked and looked at the plants yesterday that are dying and reminded myself that not all substances can we used as we wish. I again felt the "check of the Holy Spirit" that keeping a close watch on my blood is critical and what I put in my mouth absolutely affects the LIFE of my BLOOD. There you have it family - watch what goes in your mouth and remember it could affect your internal organs differently than your pan of muffins. (wink)

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