Wednesday, July 11, 2012

July 11, 2012 - Letter of the Law

Good morning all, Sorry this is late - I am on staycation. :) I have never been so excited to see rain as I was last night. It has been such a long, dry season at our house. I know others around us have received water - but none here. Last night it rained for about 30 minutes and I must have opened the door 5-6 times just to feel the rain. Thank you, God! I have been reading in Romans about the law this morning and what really made someone a Jew or a Gentile. Some people could only see that following the law "made them" God's chosen. Paul is challenging this philosophy and reminding them that being circumcised has value ONLY if you never break the law - and we know that NO one is without sin. That's why we need a savior. That's why we are grateful for grace through faith - yes we are! Paul's response at the conclusion of chapter 2 speaks directly to a conversation I had with someone last night about eating: Roman's 2:29 "No, a true Jew is one whose heart is right with God. And true circumcision is not merely obeying the letter of the law; rather, it is a change of heart produced by God’s Spirit. And a person with a changed heart seeks praiset from God, not from people." The person I was speaking with last night was talking about the diligence they impose "on them self" in relation to certain things in life that have been stumbling blocks to them in the past. I agreed. I, personally, cannot go back to my old way of eating and living as it produces death - FOR ME. BUT......I cannot enforce that "law" on everyone around me, nor can I get frustrated when people choose to do something different. I know what has made my body healthy, I can explain that to someone, but we each have a choice. That's why Paul says it's about a change of heart produced by God's Spirit. When I first adopted my new health plan - it was very strict - legalistic in fact. And, in order to achieve success - I followed it to the "letter of the law." However, the long-term success factor of my health journey is not about the "law of dieting" and the "I CAN'T SYNDROME." My heart (often translated in the Bible as mind, will, emotions) has CHANGED to now see what life as a healthy person looks and feels like. I am happy here; and when others eat things around me that were part of my past - but are not part of my future - I cannot legalistically impose MY WAY on them or look back with regret. I don't walk this journey out of fear or compulsion - it's just my way of life. It's a NEW HEART- A CHANGED HEART. It's so like my walk in Jesus - such a cool parallel. And I gotta be honest - at first the applause of people was an encouragement to me. Now....healthy blood reports, healthy joints, no depression, a healthy life really bring me joy. It's a total mind shift. It happens daily in my heart. That's a good thing. So today's encouragement - let's delete the "I can't" from our health journey and confess "I CAN eat WHAT I WANT." I can eat anywhere and anything that I CHOOSE! And then - choose well. :) PK

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